WASHINGTON, D.C., July 18, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The national pro-life group American Life League has released a new video showing how federal funds given to Planned Parenthood are being used to support the organization’s massive abortion business, contrary to the federal Hyde amendment.
The Hyde Amendment, named after its chief sponsor Republican Congressman Henry Hyde of Illinois, is a legislative provision first enacted in 1976 that is aimed at stopping Medicaid and other federal tax dollars from funding abortions, except in cases or rape, incest, or where the mother’s life is at risk.
But, according to American Life League, their video proves Hyde does not work and has not worked for many years.
The video explains how the taxpayer funds given to Planned Parenthood for contraceptives and sex education, which amount to about $363 million per year, allow the organization to divert other funds towards abortion.
“Planned Parenthood keeps proclaiming, ‘Everyone knows that Hyde bars tax dollars from funding abortions,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president at American Life League. “But, our investigation shows that for decades the amount of tax-funding for Planned Parenthood and the number of abortions they commit are almost mirror images. Our Hiding Behind Hyde video explains how the economic concept of fungibility makes it impossible to give tax dollars to abortion providers without funding abortions.”
“Planned Parenthood knows that what it wants everyone to take for granted is just not true: Hyde does nothing to stop tax dollars from indirectly funding abortions,” Sedlak added.