February 10, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Pro-life runners today begin crisscrossing the United States, wearing jerseys proclaiming, “Remember The Unborn – Jeremiah 1:5.”
The East “arm” starts at the Brooklyn Bridge; the West “arm” begins at San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. The North “arm” begins at the Canadian border, and at the South “arm,” runners start at Corpus Christi Bay, Texas.
All four “arms” will unite for a finish line celebration on Palm Sunday at Macken Park in Kansas City, MO.
LIFE Runners coach/founder Dr. Pat Castle says the literally nationwide event is “a powerful 40 day pilgrimage that unites the pro-life movement.”
Dr. Castle told LifeSiteNews, “As Lent begins, so does the fourth annual A-Cross America Relay, 40 days of redemptive running/walking to help bring an end to abortion. This morning all four 'arms' were launched.”
The idea is to get Life Runners' “Remember The Unborn – Jeremiah 1:5” message out, Castle explained. “With the LIFE Runners jersey, each teammate has a cross shield of faith on their chest and the compassionate ‘REMEMBER The Unborn Jeremiah 1:5’ message on their back to impact hearts and minds for saving lives.”
Jeremiah 1:5 reads, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I set you apart.”
Castle said the shirts are “a sacrificial prayer offering, to help our neighbors choose life and heal from the scourge of abortion.”
The official route goes by abortion facilities where participants can join prayer with 40 Days for Life groups, but participants can also run a 5K “leg” with the Life Runner t-shirt on “remotely” in their own neighborhoods, any time during the 40 days of the event.
Dr. Castle concluded, “All life-loving people are needed to unite behind this epic effort to fill the 1,588 legs of 5K each. If you can't make it to the course, adopt 5K legs of the Relay anywhere on the course and run/walk the legs remotely in your own neighborhood anytime between now and the Palm Sunday finish in Kansas City on Mar 20th. Join us, All In Christ for Pro-Life – high five!”
To participate, visit www.liferunners.org/across