UNITED NATIONS, October 11, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan gushed with praise for Ted Turner’s philanthropy to the UN Tuesday at an annual UN Association-USA dinner, according to a Reuter’s News report. Annan stated, “Here was an iconic businessman standing up for the United Nations, and saying to the world that the U.N. and its work were worthy of support.”
Media mogul Turner, founder of CNN, had personally committed to donate $1 billion to the United Nations Foundation (UNF) in 1998. The foundation is a public charity created by Turner to channel his contributions towards the population control, condom distribution and abortion issues that are important to him. Reuters reported the foundation has also raised millions from other corporations, governments and charities.
The foundation’s web site states that “The United Nations Foundation’s Women and Population Program supports United Nations (UN) efforts to increase socio-economic opportunities for adolescent girls and women while increasing access to and improving the quality of reproductive health and family planning services.” The UNF sees a lack of condoms, so-called unsafe abortions, and alleged over-population as major issues of concern.
A 2001 LifeSiteNews.com report verified that the vast majority of grants from Turner to the UN were used in the area of population reduction. A United Nations report said that in 2000 “$74 million were allocated to the work of the United Nations from the $1 billion pledged by Ted Turner in 1998, with a majority ($42 million) of the grants going to projects dealing with women and population issues.” The data was found in a report by Secretary-General Kofi Annan on the UN Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP), the body established to liaise with the UN Foundation.
The board of directors of Turner’s UNF includes well known virulent population control advocates such as the former head of United Nations Population Fund, Nafis Sadik and former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth, Clinton’s assistant secretary of state, who had a condom tree in his office. Wirth is president of the foundation.
See the UNF site related to population and women’s health issues:
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