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AUSTIN, Texas (LifeSiteNews) – Texas Republican primary voters supported a pro-life proposition by an overwhelming majority.

Proposition 5 passed with 83.3% of the vote in the Texas state primary on March 1, with about 1.3 million votes in all. The proposition, one of 10 on the ballot, states, “Texas should enact a State Constitutional Amendment to defend the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, from fertilization until natural death.”

While the vote does not change Texas law, it is used by party leaders to determine policy agendas and the party platform.

The proposal also comes in the wake of the Texas Heartbeat Act that went into effect in September, prohibiting abortion if a baby’s heartbeat is detected. The law remains in effect despite legal challenges and corporate backlash.

Abortions in Texas were cut in half as a result of the law, saving the lives of about 15,000 babies. Other states have followed Texas in enacting heartbeat laws, with several state legislatures proposing similar laws.

The Texas GOP platform currently states that “the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God … should be equally protected from fertilization until natural death.” The party also holds that “until abortion is made illegal in Texas, we urge the Republican Party of Texas and the Texas legislature to assist in educating the public regarding alternatives to abortion, especially adoption.” The Texas GOP also held the abolition of abortion as a legislative priority last year.

In addition to the Heartbeat Law that was passed last year, other legislation was proposed in the Texas legislature that would have prevented abortion, and in one case have banned almost all abortions in Texas. However, these measures were rejected by legislators.

Among other propositions included on the ballot were bans on COVID jab mandates and Critical Race Theory in Texas schools. All propositions passed with more than 70% of the vote.

