July 31, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – This week’s episode of The Van Maren Show gives us a deep look into the pro-life movement in Northern Ireland as it stands right now, and what the possibilities are moving forward. Jonathon Van Maren has an amazing conversation with Bernadette Smyth, the founder of the largest pro-life group in Northern Ireland, Precious Life. She also founded Youth for Life, which is a project of Precious Life, whose aim is to equip the next generation with the skills needed to keep abortion illegal in Northern Ireland. Smyth shares with listeners how she got into the pro-life movement and then dives deep into how she was able to start Precious Life over 23 years ago, and how she’s been able to sustain and grow this organization ever since.
Smyth shares some amazing stories about the babies she’s been involved in saving from abortion – and the details of the moments when she got to hold those sweet babies. These stories alone are very gratifying for any pro-lifer to hear!
One of the most important things shared is this episode is an update on the status of abortion in Northern Ireland. Smyth provides a brief history of everything that led up to the repeal of Ireland’s 8th Amendment. She also gives the date of October 21, 2019 as a deadline for getting their government back in office before abortion is imposed on Northern Ireland on October 22.
If you’ve been confused about the government situation in Northern Ireland, this is an opportunity to gain some understanding of what exactly is going on.
Smyth ends the interview by telling all pro-life advocates that prayer is absolutely the best thing to do to support Northern Ireland in this fight. However, if you’re feeling like you need to do more, contact Precious Life via their website or Facebook page, or even calling their office. Offering to help in whatever way God inspires you is absolutely beneficial.