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November 2, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – One of the greatest threats to freedom and the Christian faith to emerge from the coronavirus crisis is the “Great Reset,” a far-left initiative to “to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies.”
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò notably warned about the Great Reset in his latest letter to President Donald Trump, calling it “a global conspiracy against God and humanity.”
The Great Reset is spearheaded by the World Economic Forum, or WEF, which is known for hosting annual summits in Davos, Switzerland, convening thousands of global elites. It is largely a creation of WEF founder Prof. Klaus Schwab and was announced this past June in a virtual meeting co-hosted by him and the UK’s Prince Charles. The event featured high-profile supporters, such as U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, and CEOs of Mastercard and BP.
In June, Schwab laid out, in no uncertain terms, the mission of the Great Reset to revolutionize the global economy and permanently curtail freedoms of the pre-coronavirus era.
Since COVID-19 represents “a crisis unlike any other,” he said, “it also requires a response like no other.”
“The Great Reset will require us to integrate all stakeholders of global society into a community of common interest, purpose, and action.”
“Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” Schwab demanded. The alleged “unsustainability of our old system” must be totally thrown off.
National governments will need to “steer the market toward fairer outcomes,” for the Great Reset, overhauling domestic tax policy and trade agreements, Schwab explained. Companies must have “clearer guidelines,” namely, those already produced through the WEF, which gauge corporations based on metrics like ethnic diversity and climate impact.
The energy industry, in particular, requires near-total metamorphosis. According to Schwab, “climate change could be the next global disaster with even more dramatic consequences for humankind. We have to decarbonize the economy in the short window we have left.”
The banking and finance industries are other top targets, as with IMF Director Georgieva’s proposal for states forcibly to halt payments by banks to their shareholders.
In short, the Great Reset entails nothing less than global conversion to “stakeholder capitalism,” an economic framework closely resembling plans by Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Not surprisingly, the Chinese government has a hand in this initiative. China was represented at the initial meeting by Ma Jun, chairman of China’s Green Finance Committee and member of the National People’s Congress. Ma pushed for “strict environmental regulations” and a higher proportion of state-run “green projects” “than at any time in history.”
Along with Ma, representatives from more than a dozen countries have joined events supporting the Great Reset. The World Economic Forum even claims Pope Francis’s “stamp” on the Reset, citing Fratelli Tutti and the pontiff’s condemnation of “the dogma of neoliberal faith.” Francis has sent an address to the Forum four times in his eight-year pontificate and allows an annual Vatican roundtable at Davos.
While Schwab and his associates cite the COVID-19 crisis as the main justification for the radical shifts they want, they’re also weaponizing the virus to compel submission. “We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis — its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,” in the words of Prince Charles.
READ: Time Magazine announces ‘The Great Reset’ to usher in world socialism
Besides “stakeholder capitalism,” the “big visions” of the Great Reset include direct assaults on the family. Along with things like “The Ocean” and “Batteries,” one of key themes of the Reset is “LGBTI Inclusion.” Since June, the World Economic Forum has run such articles as “Great Reset: Why LGBT+ inclusion is the secret to cities’ post-pandemic success” and “Why being an LGBT+ ally can transform lives – yours included.” With Microsoft and Pepsi, they rolled out a program over the summer called “Hour of Pride” to propagate “LGBTQI+ inclusion during the COVID-19 crisis.”
The Great Reset almost undoubtedly will attack the unborn and the sanctity of life as well. The World Economic Forum is no friend of life, having criticized the Trump administration’s decision to reinstate the Mexico City Policy (now called Protecting Life in Global Health Policy), which blocks most U.S. abortion spending overseas.
Moreover, the Forum pledged last September to advance the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals and recently held a summit which focused on using the Great Reset to fulfill the SDGs. Included in the Goals is “universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services.” Multiple U.N. agencies, like the WEF-partnered World Health Organization, have made clear that abortion is to be understood as within those latter two categories.
Vaccines and ‘digital identity for every person on the planet’
Other intrusive features likely to be tied into the Great Reset include mass digital identification and COVID-19 vaccination. “Digital Identity” and “Vaccination” are both themes of the Great Reset, and the World Economic Forum has been advancing them through a number of programs.
Since July, the Forum has worked to develop digital health passes used to verify the coronavirus test status of travelers. This project, CommonPass, was launched in collaboration with representatives from 37 governments and ultimately seeks to provide “a standard global model” for COVID-19 passes.
CommonPass also plans to incorporate vaccination status in the future, which would help to effectively mandate COVID-19 vaccines by empowering airlines to demand immunization for travel. Trials began three weeks ago on United Airlines and Cathay Pacific flights, with the Centers for Disease Control and U.S. Customs and Border Protection observing.
The WEF leads another digital ID project, Platform for Good Digital Identity, which “advances global activities towards digital identities that are collaborative and put the user interest at the center.” Among the partners are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Mastercard, and pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline.
One collaborator is ID2020, a nonprofit backed by the U.N. and multiple Great Reset partners. ID2020 promotes COVID-19 passes, like the WEF, and aspires “to enable access to digital identity for every person on the planet,” with vaccination as a potential “entry point.” The group was founded, in part, through the World Economic Forum and counts WEF as an early supporter.
On coronavirus vaccines, Schwab has speculated that “a full return to ‘normal’ cannot be envisaged before a vaccine is available” and that people might “have to be vaccinated every year” against the virus.
“The new hurdle,” he said, is a “vaccinating enough people… despite the rise of anti-vaxxers.” To that end, the World Economic Forum is rolling out a pro-immunization campaign called VIEW, targeting the “major threat” of “resistance to vaccination.”
The Forum also has served repeatedly as a venue to promote COVAX, the U.N.’s vaccine distribution program, run by the WHO, that aims to circulate two billion COVID-19 vaccine doses by 2021. COVAX is co-led by Gavi and CEPI, two other WEF partners, both of which were launched at Davos summits.
Whether in terms of economic self-determination, freedom from LGBT ideology, or basic personal liberties, the Great Reset poses an extreme danger to the free peoples of the world. This wholly undemocratic, aggressively centralizing, and sin-peddling scheme “has Satan on its side,” in Archbishop Viganò’s words.
Nevertheless, as the archbishop reminded Christians, “The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light.”
With God Almighty and “the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the head of the ancient Serpent” for us, who can be against us?