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As you are noticing these days, it is almost impossible to get objective, totally accurate and complete reporting from most secular – and even many religious! – media on key issues like abortion, same-sex ‘marriage’, liberal politicians like ObamaClinton and Trudeau, Islamismorgan harvestingclimate changethe effects of pornographysex education, and much more.
The heavy influence put on most media by outside sources – including investors, advertisers, powerful leftist politicians, pro-abortion and anti-family leaders, and liberal Church institutions – has become truly frightening.
But, none of this happens with LifeSite! Nobody controls what we report.
Thanks to YOU, LifeSite is almost completely reader-funded. And because of this, we are 100% independent and free to report the hard truths on the most important issues facing our world, answering only to God and our consciences!

Because of YOUR faithful support, we will never have to change our reporting to suit any investors, large donors, advertisers, corporations, politicians, or any other outside entity! (Help us stay reader-funded and safely independent with a donation today, even if it’s only $10!)

I want to thank everyone who has already donated to our Summer Campaign. We are grateful for your support. For those that have not yet donated, you can make an online donation by clicking here. You can also donate by phone or mail.
With only 10 days left to go in our campaign, and a steep $200,000 left to raise, we urgently need all of our readers who have not yet donated to keep authentic life and family journalism alive to make a donation of $10, $20, $40 or more.

(Note: In the U.S. LifeSite is a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible).

With your support, LifeSite has developed personal relationships with hundreds of pro-life leaders and activists all over the globe who constantly feed us news tips and information. Our growing team of trained, experienced, full-time journalists then follow up investigate, research, verify and report on what they find.

(Right: Assistant Editor, Patrick Craine, Left: Co-founder, John-Henry Westen)

In some cases, this means not just hours, but days, or even weeks of research – sometimes just to get to the bottom of a single story.
In some dramatic cases, such as the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal, the Development & Peace scandal in Canada, the Synod on the Family, the backlash against the sex-ed curriculum in Ontario, and our Catholic Relief Services investigations, our journalists have spent even months digging through massive amounts of information, making dozens of phone calls, writing numerous articles, consulting with friends who are also investigating these issues and putting those articles through countless revisions…to make sure we got the story right.
We constantly remind our journalists to “pick up the phone.” Which is to say: go straight to the source. Don’t trust what you read on the Internet or in other media, even other pro-life, conservative or religious media. Dig, verify, andthen, when you are confident that you have found the truth of the matter, report that.

 (Pictured above: Journalists, Lisa Bourne and Andrew Guernsey)

We’d rather be confident that we got the story totally right, than be the first one to report on it.
Most importantly, when we report on stories reported by other news outlets, our journalists always seek new information and commentary from the voices of pro-life and pro-family leaders, who are so often completely ignored by most media.
Oftentimes, the investigation we must do, and the reports we must write, are difficult. But, this is the mission that we have promised you we will fulfill! (Click here to donate)
Our reporting investigates the events of every day through the lens, and according to all the principles, of the Gospel.
And because your constant support has allowed us to dedicate ourselves to Truth (We use a capital “T” for a reason!) above all, you have made LifeSite become the world’s leading news service for the pro-life and pro-family movements.
We are humbled by the role we play in the culture war, and we approach our work as missionaries – not as employees with a job to do. Every penny we raise through your support goes back into our reporting.
Our journalists work from home, with salaries more befitting missionaries than those trying to raise growing families. And because we are an online news agency, we don’t have the large overhead required for printing and mailing publications.
People are constantly amazed when they learn more about the scope of the work we do, that we have a growing full- and part-time staff of 25+ and just how little funding we require to do all that we do.

But, again, we are only capable of this because of the generous support of our readers, like you!
Help us continue this important work with a donation to our Summer campaign. We are in need of reaching our minimum goal of $225,000 before July 1st. In return you will continue to be the most well-informed pro-life, pro-family citizens on the planet.