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Dr. Thomas Ward, National Association of the Catholic Families, speaks at the 2015 Rome Life Forum. Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews

ROME, October 28, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Contraception not only separates the life-creating purpose of sex from the unitive purpose, but it has been used by enemies of the family as a wedge — ostensibly called ‘sex-education’ — to separate children from their parents, stated a Catholic family doctor during a conference in Rome today.

“Contraception separates both the procreative from the unitive and the procreated, the children, from their parents,” stated Dr. Thomas Ward at a conference titled “Humanae Vitae at 50: Setting the Context” that was organized by Voice of the Family. The conference took place at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas. 

Ward, founder and president of the National Association of Catholic Families, told conference attendees that the “removal of parents rights as primary educators started with contraception and its indoctrination in sex education.”

“It has now metastasized to include underage abortion, general medical services, school homosexual and gender theory indoctrination, and, in Germany, even imprisonment of parents who exercised their primary right as educators,” he said. 

The conference was organized to commemorate Pope Paul VI’s 1968 Encyclical Humanae Vitae [Of Human Life] which celebrates its 50th anniversary next year. The Encyclical taught that “each and every marriage act must remain open to the transmission of human life” and called the use of contraception (including the pill, condom, withdrawal, and other methods) “intrinsically wrong.”

Ward outlined in his talk how his experience as a family doctor in the early 1970s revealed that many young girls were being “indoctrinated” into early contraceptive sex through “sex education often emanating from the Family Planning Association under its  many masks.”

“The most interesting influence was the priest school chaplain who had written all of the contraceptive methods on the blackboard,” he related. 

The doctor’s further research into the matter revealed that a “vast network of national and international agencies, ideological, commercial, and political” were working together to promote the “sexualization” of children and its “necessary prerequisite, the removal of parent's rights.”

Ward said that it became clear that the many clergy within the Catholic Church who had “given up on the wrongness of contraception” had also begun to accept the “replacement of parents by the State.” 

The Catholic Church teaches that the rights of parents over their children is “irreplaceable and inalienable and therefore incapable of being entirely delegated to others or usurped by others.” With respect to sex education, the Church specifically calls it the “basic right and duty of parents” which “must always be carried out under their attentive guidance, whether at home or in educational centres chosen and controlled by them.”

The doctor highlighted the link that he said exists between rejecting children via contraception (some of which, such as the pill, is abortifacient) and the rejection of parental rights over their children. He suggested that it is not coincidental that along with Pope Francis’s seeming openness to allowing Catholic couples to contracept in specific circumstances, such as in the case of the Zika virus, comes also an undermining of parental rights over their children. 

He noted how 94 percent of bishops during the 2015 Synod on the Family voted in favor of the statement that “The family, while maintaining its primary space in education (cf. Gravissimum Educationis, 3), cannot be the only place for teaching sexuality.”

Commented Ward: “With this doublespeak, they obscured that they had in practice abandoned millions of Catholic families to  indoctrination by the birth control and homosexual lobby.”

Ward also noted how Pope Francis in his 2016 Exhortation Amoris Laetitia [Joy of Love] did not defend the parents’ right as primary educators in his chapter where he mentioned the “need for sex education.”

The doctor also noted how in the Pontifical Council for the Family 2016 sex-ed program for teens called “The Meeting Point” failed to mention anything about parents being the primary educators of their children, especially with regard to sex education. 

“All of this becomes more frightening when one remembers that Pope Francis has led 300,000 young people in repeatedly chanting ‘It takes a village to raise a child,’ the title of Hillary Clinton’s book on her vision of the state rather than parents looking after their children,” said Ward. 

Ward concluded his talk with a disconcerting question. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, because of Amoris Laetitia and the deeply disturbing possibility of a revision of Humanae Vitae these questions must now be asked: has, in the field of sexuality, the teaching of the Church on the right of the Parent, the primary educator been revoked in this Pontificate?” he said. 

“And, if so, who will protect millions of Catholic children from indoctrination by the wolves in the population and homosexualist lobbies and their powerful allies in the Vatican? Where will our children hide?” he added.