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(LifeSiteNews) — On a special solo edition of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon provides an overview of how the Sexual Revolution played an integral role in upending our society’s traditional Christian values. Below is Jonathon’s introduction to this week’s episode.
Well, we have some very interesting interviews coming up for you over the next couple of weeks, but today I wanted to do something a little bit different. Because one of the most frequently asked questions I get when we’re talking about all the various aspects of the culture wars, most of which I examine here on the show by talking to various artists, authors, experts, academics is: How did we get here?
How did we go from societies based on Judeo-Christian values, with a generally understood recognition of what the natural family looks like, what natural sexuality looks like … to a society founded almost entirely on sexual liberation or, more accurately, sexual revolution? How did we go from a society based on revelation, God’s revealed word, His inspired word, the Bible, but also natural law, the created order as we understand it … to revolution, a total overthrow of all previous rules and a total overthrow of all previous values?
And it’s interesting, because this revolution is often not particularly remarked upon. And I’ve found that many people have a very scant understanding of how we went from that sort of a society to the society we currently live in. We’re headed into what’s now internationally known as “Pride Month,” which means we’re going to see basically every major corporation and government building wrap themselves in the rainbow flag. And it’s kind of ironic, people outdo themselves so thoroughly now to ensure that they’re on the right side of a revolution that is still extremely new, historically speaking.
I saw on social media the other day, there’s actually a fellow who painted his entire house as the pride flag. And the first comment underneath was from somebody who let him know that his pride flag was missing the transgender triangle part of the flag. In other words, nothing will ever be good enough.
And so I want to take this podcast just to provide some context to the many discussions that we’ve been having and take a look at the history of the Sexual Revolution. Now, obviously, this is an extremely complex topic. The Sexual Revolution can be examined from any number of different angles. But what I want to do is just provide what I hope will be a helpful chronology, a basic outline of the Sexual Revolution and the key founders of the Sexual Revolution.
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Help Canadian Dad who was fired for refusing vax: LifeFunder