I’m truly blown away!
In the past few days our staff have been overwhelmed by the hundreds of inspiring and encouraging comments sent to us by donors to our Christmas fundraising campaign.
Like the note “Brian” left with his donation, saying: “You are serving the Lord. Do not become discouraged. You are a voice crying in the Wilderness and your work will be blessed.” Or “Dan,” who wrote, “Thanks LifeSiteNews, excellent work. We are starving for the truth!”
Truly, the world is starving for the truth!
And at the end of the day, LifeSite’s mission is a simple one: to courageously, and uncompromisingly proclaim the life-giving TRUTH about abortion, marriage, faith, family and freedom to the whole world!
If that is a mission that you support, please make a donation to our Christmas campaign today. With only 5 days days left in our most important fundraiser of the year, we still have $167,000 left to raise to reach our minimum necessary goal.
In the Gospel of John, Christ says: “If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
That is the amazing power of the truth! Every fundraising campaign we receive hundreds of comments from donors all over the world – many of whom tell us about the powerful ways encountering the truth through LifeSite’s reporting has impacted their lives, or the lives of their loved ones.
We always collect these comments together in a document to send to our staff, so they know how their work is impacting the lives of real people! Here are just a small sampling of some of the many incredible comments we have received so far this campaign:
- I thank God for the faithful and true reporting to be found at LifeSite news. It is a haven of honesty in a faithless and dishonest world, a light piercing the darkness of secular news media.
– Robert, Virginia
- Keep up the excellent work. I get my news from you. You are the only ones who provide the “meat.” Thank you.
– Betty, Ontario - I am deeply grateful for your ministry. Three years ago I came into the Church because of an article on your website which led to a conversation with a Catholic friend.
Deirdre, Ohio
- “Thanks for your services to inform. I no longer feel alone in my faith in God's principles. It is great to know that there others out there who have not compromised to the ways of the world. May the living God further bless you all at LifeSite with wisdom, courage and strength.”
– Moses, Florida
- I love LifeSite News! You really keep us informed with news you don't get anywhere. I love your mission of spreading pro-life truth and family values. Please keep up your most important work in our desperate times. God Bless You!
– Marybeth, Pennsylvania
- – Dear Life Site News Editors and Publishers, we live in Poland near Warsaw and we do appreciate your regular and patient efforts in promoting pro-life cause and excellent information you deliver. God bless you in all your needed efforts.
– Gerhard, Poland
- I used to be a leftist and a feminist, it was a form of indoctrination I learned in university. However, I am thankful to God that my eyes are opened to the horrors of abortion, same -sex marriage, transgenderism and the pornographic culture of the left. This will be the first time I have made such a donation to a lifesite organization, I am proud to do so. I wish I could do more financially , perhaps, in the near future I can do more. God Bless you all
– Sarina, Ontario
- You continue to give a voice to those of us struggling against a world that has turned it`s back on our traditional values. Thank you and continue in your good work.
– David, Ontario
- I wish I had more to donate you guys, you do a fantastic and most important job. Please keep it up.
– Hugo, Ontario - Excellent articles making us aware of the good and the bad that surrounds us. God Bless each one of you at your organization for having the courage (grace from above) to be vocal and it is important that as Catholics we begin the transformation to our true Catholic faith and not what the world tells us we should believe. Keep up the great work amid discouraging news! We appreciate it on this end!
– Jolene, North Dakota
- Having found the website, I now look forward to reading it daily. There is SO much information on it. You do a great job. God bless you all and Merry Christmas!
– Pauline, Germany
- I very, very much like your news and coverage of the issues of our times. I thoroughly enjoy, respect and are grateful for all your informative knowledge of the news especially on sticky and sensitive issues. You have much care and courage. Thank you.
– Joanne, California
When I read comments like this, it astonishes and humbles me to realize how God is using this apostolate to shine light into the darkness.
When Steve and I were in Rome this past November we were amazed when a highly influential lay person told us she greatly values LifeSite and relies on it every day. During that same meeting she strongly encouraged a very prominent Vatican cleric who was present to also read LifeSite and he responded that he would indeed do so.
This happens to us all the time wherever we travel – we encounter people in all corners of the globe who tell us they rely upon us as the only trustworthy source on the issues that matter the most to them!
This is what you are accomplishing when you support LifeSiteNews.
You are giving a voice to the voiceless – not only to the unborn babies under assault around the world, but to tens of thousands of battle-weary culture warriors who are constantly ignored, marginalized or maligned by the mainstream media.
And with 25 MILLION+ people visiting our website every year, I know that these comments are only a small sampling of the way that LifeSite, by the grace of God, is helping change the world.
Today, you have the power to actually change our culture! You support and we report the much-needed truth about life and family to the whole world.
After a week and a half our readers have helped raise almost 50% of our minimum campaign goal. Click here to donate.
Many activists and readers tell us they simply don’t know how they would stay informed on issues concerning life and family if it weren’t for the hard-hitting news reporting that you make happen day after day, month after month, year after year!
Other folks take our news reports and use them on the ground to dispel the lies and manipulation of anti-life voices in our culture, or to literally help save lives, as Abby Johnson has done in her own work for the pro-life movement –
“I…have a bank of articles that I use from LifeSiteNews that I can send to women or men who are considering leaving the abortion industry. Those facts, those articles – that is part of their conversion,” she has told us!
Your gift of $35 or more today will help bring the Truth to over 5,000 people around the world!
I want you to hear from the fearless pro-life and pro-family warriors you are impacting on a daily basis:
- “I have met many people in my travels to over 450 cities over the years who've gotten involved in 40 Days for Life because what they read and learned on LifeSiteNews. I know the team at LifeSite, I trust them implicitly, I support them personally.”
David Bereit, 40 Days for Life
- “What LifeSiteNews is doing is building the fabric of networking that keeps us together as one movement and nothing can overstate the importance and value of that.”
Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life
- “LifeSiteNews really does inform me and gives me information that the mainstream media, and even the conservative media in many cases, just doesn’t pick up that are going on not only in this country but around the world with respect to life. It is valuable information. It is important…this information be made available, and without LifeSite it wouldn’t be available. [LifeSite] is supporting many of us, who are on the front lines trying to carry the case for life.”
Rick Santorum, Former Senator and U.S. Presidential Candidate
- “I just want to say thank you to everyone at LifeSiteNews…thank you for your faithfulness and for standing up for us.”
David Daleiden, Center for Medical Progress
This small sample hopefully gives you some sense of what you are accomplishing through your support of the investigative news reporting of LifeSiteNews.
Today, you can help give the gift of Truth to thousands of people with your donation. The question is: How many people do you want to reach?
Just $50 enables us to reach as many as 10,000 more people with the Truth of the Culture of Life!
From all of us here at LifeSite, I want to thank you for your support and for everything you are doing to expose and fight the many efforts to impose a culture of death and to instead build a Culture of Life.