June 21, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – I hope you saw my email last week as we launched our Summer Fundraising Campaign revealing how Big Tech has colluded with the abortion industry with a laser focused campaign to shut down our truth mission.
Our Summer fundraising campaign is especially crucial for us this year as we face these threats, and we simply must raise the necessary funds for our continued operation despite the censorship and persecution from Big Tech, mainstream social media platforms, and heightened attacks on our website.
Thanks to the support of our generous donors, we have a top quality IT team and security features already set in place to ensure that attacks like this can’t entirely take down our site.
Yet, we are even still seeing more and more of these direct attacks on LifeSite. The necessary resources and security features that we must utilize in order to ensure our website continues to be operational and accessible to readers worldwide is very costly, but very necessary.
These are just a few of the costs that we must raise the necessary funds for in order to keep our website operational so that we can continue to have a platform to speak the truth and provide a greatly needed alternative news source to the controlled mainstream media.
Since we are 100% reader-funded, I hope you will consider becoming a supporter of our mission today to ensure we can continue to provide the news to you, your family, and the millions of readers around the world that we serve.
We have just 10 days left – and a steep $379,000 left to reach our Summer Fundraising goal. Please use this link to donate now: give.lifesitenews.com/summercampaign
Each day we strive to provide a professional news service that brings the pro-life and pro-family perspectives on current events to the masses – free of charge! And we accomplish much more each day on a fraction of the budget comparable news outlets serving over 5 million unique visitors per month can accomplish!
It is only because of the generosity of our supporters that our wide network of trained, courageous journalists are able to cover more worldwide breaking pro-life and pro-family developments than ever before.
As part of our core mission of news reporting, our supporters have provided the means to expand our reach and enable us to respond to the cultural crisis on a much larger scale through these efforts:
Daily News – did you know we post as many as 50 stories every day on our website? That is a large jump from what we were able to publish even two years ago.
Podcasts – we host five podcasts (The John-Henry Westen Show, The Van Maren Show, the Bishop Strickland Show, Ladies of LifeSite, and The Mother Miriam Show) that have been heard by millions of listeners. This additional content has provided a powerful new audio/visual medium of reporting on the most critical issues each week.
International Broadcast Studio – we've expanded our video content and production team to provide high-quality video coverage of breaking news events related to life and family. Our Broadcasting studio will also enable us to finally produce upcoming weekly news shows to summarize top stories each week. We have wanted to do this this for a long time, and now the dream is about to become a reality.
LifePetitions.com – a groundbreaking pro-life and pro-family petition platform. Tens of millions of people have signed petitions, helping to create concrete pro-life and pro-family movements and change on specific issues!
LifeFacts – a section on our website with a comprehensive compilation of the best research and information related to abortion and other life issues.
LifeFunder – a new platform created to serve the pro-life, pro-family, and Christian communities through crowdfunding. Our supporters ensure this platform is a free and easy way to raise needed funds for the people and causes you care most about that are being rejected by establishment funding platforms.
Voter Voice – an especially powerful, interactive, intuitive platform that gives American and Canadian citizens a direct link to their elected officials for them to voice support for and/or concern about legislation and current topics of debate in their state, province, municipal and, often, nationwide political discussions.
As our mission has expanded, so too have our needs. Thousands of new readers are discovering our breaking news every day, and they are thrilled to discover that there is a professional news agency that coincides with their moral stances and beliefs!
Thanks be to God to our faithful supporters who have responded generously to our fundraising appeals so far this campaign – but we still haven’t reached our goal yet.
This is where you, our readers, come in!
I hope you will help us reach our goal to continue to bring truth to the world by becoming a financial supporter today. 93% of your donation goes directly to our reporting. A gift of $1000, $500, $250, or even $50 will ensure our news can continue. Every donation makes an incredible difference! Donate here: give.lifesitenews.com/summercampaign
Our journalists go above and beyond every day to ensure that our readers have the most accurate and truthful news out there – as a reader of ours, I hope you see this every day.
We have relationships with hundreds of leaders who seek to come to us first with news tips on breaking stories. They tell us that they want to partner with our platform and for us to be the ones to break their story – because they trust that we will get it right!
The investigations we must do, and the reports we must write are difficult – but they are necessary. We cannot rely on mainstream media, the social media giants, or Big Tech corporations to speak the truth – it is up to us to share the Truth in a world that so desperately needs it.
As our news mission incurs monthly expenses, like the cost of keeping our website operational and safe from direct attacks, many of our readers have opted to become monthly donors to help us cover these costs. If you'd like to make a monthly pledge, visit give.lifesitenews.com/sustainlife
Few can do this work, and those who can often are unwilling to write most of the reports that we do. As one of our readers, you count on us to report on these hard truths, and so do millions of readers around the world.
This isn’t a position we take lightly. Rather, we are humbled by the role we play in the culture war, and we approach our work as missionaries for truth. Every penny we raise through your support will go back into our reporting.
I hope you will consider joining our giving family this campaign. We are only capable of restoring the culture through news media because of the generosity of our supporters.