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A man shows in sub-freezing temperatures that vapor escapes while wearing a mask.TikTok

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February 9, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A man from Vermont has filmed himself exhaling in below-freezing temperatures, demonstrating that considerable amounts of vaporized respiratory droplets, said by the CDC to transport COVID-19, are emitted through three-ply hospital masks, cloth masks, and N-95 masks, even when all are double-layered.

[Video Part 1]

[Video Part 2]

In TikTok videos, Chad Roy shows that even the N-95 mask, which contains the respiratory vapor more than the three-ply hospital and cloth masks, still allows a substantial amount of vapor to escape when he exhales.

In another TikTok video, Roy shows himself breathing through a single N-95 mask in cold weather, saying, “You can see the vapor cloud escaping. Now those vapor droplets, those are moisture droplets, that’s what the coronavirus rides on. Effective at knocking it down a bit, but they don’t stop it. A false sense of security. We still have to be cautious.”

The CDC advises mask-wearing on the basis that COVID-19 can infect others by spreading through the air via small respiratory droplets, emitted by breathing or talking as well as coughing and sneezing, that remain suspended in the air “for minutes to hours.” 

The CDC notes, “Available data indicate that it is much more common for the virus that causes COVID-19 to spread through close contact with a person who has COVID-19 than through airborne transmission.” 

However, the CDC maintains that the COVID-19 virus, when contained in “small droplets and particles that can linger in the air,” “may be able to infect people who are farther than six feet away from the person who is infected or after that person has left the space.”

Dr. Lee Merritt, who has served for 10 years as a military surgeon and also on a congressional committee investigating technology for the U.S. Navy, explained that viruses are passed by tiny “.12 micron”  particles “that sneak out through the mask and around the mask … Even the very best medical masks cannot screen out, cannot protect, from this type of small particle virus.”

“I spent 40 percent of my life in a mask. And I can tell you in my entire career … nobody was talking about masks as a control mechanism for viruses,” Merritt said of her time as a spine surgeon. 
“The atmosphere and the whole air fluidity is filled with viruses. We have it around us all the time. You can’t mask that away,” said Merritt.