CAPE TOWN, Mar 22, 2001 ( – All across South Africa Wednesday, thousands of pro-lifers demanded the right to life for unborn children. Since abortion was permitted in 1996, it has cost the lives of over 150,000 South African babies. Myrna King, one of the organizers of the event said that the beautiful rainbow that appeared at the end of the march symbolized their hope that one day South Africans would be able to really celebrate Human Rights Day – “when the human rights of unborn babies are also protected”.
Christians for Truth handed out pamphlets noting, “The abortion laws of South Africa remain a constant contradiction of the culture of human rights. All opinion polls show that the vast majority of the public is pro-life.”
Doctors for Life chairman, Dr Albu van Eeden said: “A cash-strapped government will realise how cheap it is to extinguish lives instead of caring for patients until natural death. As we celebrate Human Rights Day, let us remember that it is an unfortunate reality that nations find it easier to go down the road of incremental laws against the weak, the unborn and the aged. Each piece of legislation, which does not strengthen the rights of the weakest members of society, will create an atmosphere for further anti-human laws.”
For more see the AllAfrica report at: