October 28, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt have made national news for their exposure of Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby body parts. They followed an undercover investigative method pioneered by Mark Crutcher, who used it to expose the same things as well as how the abortion industry covers up rape, sex trafficking, and other evils.
In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Mark Crutcher, the pioneer of going undercover to expose the abortion industry, joins Jonathon to discuss the pro-life movement, what pro-lifers really need to be focusing on, and what the 2020 election means for the pro-life movement.
Crutcher is the founder of Life Dynamics, a ministry devoted to ending abortion, specifically through undercover investigative work and the exposure of the abortion industry.
Listen to the full interview:
“Life Dynamics is perhaps best known for our undercover stings and groundbreaking research into the abortion issue and the industry that capitalizes on it,” According to the Life Dynamics website.
Crutcher begins his interview with Van Maren by discussing the true nature of the pro-life movement. He tells listeners that it isn’t pro-lifers versus pro-aborts. It’s pro-aborts versus babies.
“The war is not between the pro-life side and the pro-abortion side. The war is between the pro-abortion side and the babies … It’s the babies that wind up in the dumpster.”
Crutcher continues, “Basically, what we are is mercenaries. We signed up to fight on the side of those who can’t fight for themselves. That’s what we are.”
Crutcher’s pro-life involvement evolved from being a weekend warrior to participating in debates to leading training seminars. He realized through his debates that changing the minds of pro-aborts wasn’t necessarily the most effective way to end abortion. He asked pro-lifers, ‘If a pro-abort gave you a logical, rational argument that you agreed with, would you change your stance on life?’ The answer was a resounding no, and Crutcher saw that the same was true for the pro-aborts.
Instead, Crutcher saw that the pro-life movement needed to go after the abortion industry to save lives. He saw that exposing the evils of the industry and getting people out of that industry so that it would begin to crumble, would be the best way to reduce abortions.
He laid out his plan in the book Firestorm. A wealthy donor reached out to him after reading the book and finally seeing a plan to end abortion, something he could never get from other pro-life organizations. With the donor’s funding, Crutcher moved into the pro-life movement full-time and began his work to end abortion.
After writing Firestorm, he created a cartoon book making fun of the abortion industry. It didn’t have logical arguments against abortion, just jokes based in fact that highlighted the nature of the industry.
He took blond jokes, lawyer jokes, and other jokes making fun of a specific group and rewrote them for abortionists. He then paired them with cartoons and sent books full of these cartoons to medical students and residents. His goal was to show these students that becoming an abortionist wasn’t why they spent decades in school.
The book exploded, and one medical student who was interviewed about it said, “I’m pro-choice and this is the kind of thing you have to put up with when you decide to do elective abortions.”
In addition to his work to undermine the structure of the abortion industry, Crutcher also pioneered undercover work that exposed the evils that occur in the industry.
In 1999, his group exposed the illegal sale of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities.
They also exposed the abuse and assault that occurs at abortion clinics as well as the industries cover-up of statutory rape.
Life Dynamics hired an actress to call the 836 Planned Parenthood facilities and other abortion centers across the U.S. posing as a 14-year-old impregnated by a 22-year-old man. In this situation, the facility is REQUIRED by law to report her situation since it is statutory rape.
The actress spoke with 813 of the 836 facilities, and 91% of those facilities agreed not to report her situation to the authorities. Most of them even gave her advice on how to get around others discovering it, such as lying to her parents, teachers, giving fake names, etc. The recordings of those phone calls can be found at LifeDynamics.com.
By not reporting statutory rape, these abortion locations are facilitating sex trafficking and abuse. Last year, a missing young girl was found in Florida because of videos of her being raped on Pornhub. She had been taken to Planned Parenthood at least once for an abortion, but the facility neglected to report the statutory rape, which could have saved her from months of abuse. Sadly, situations like this are happening all the time; young girls are stuck being abused because abortion facilities refuse to follow the law.
Life Dynamics and Crutcher also exposed the high frequency of girls being raped in abortion facilities. Young girls come in to get an abortion and haven’t told their parents or anyone that they are getting one, or maybe even that they’re sexually active. The abortionist and other workers know that they can’t tell anyone if they’re raped — how would they explain what they were doing at the abortion facility?
Despite all the evidence Life Dynamics has in exposing the abortion industry, they are largely ignored by the mainstream media. If their information was broadcast the way it would be if it were information about scandal and abuse in the pro-life movement, the abortion industry would practically be shut down.
Instead, just like with David Daleiden, the legal system and the media, focus on pointing the finger at the pro-lifers claiming the information was illegally obtained.
Crutcher tells Van Maren, “The magic solution would be if we had an honest media.”
Crutcher thinks that Trump has done a good job of waking Americans up to the fact that the media is biased. He shares a story of a Russian coworker who told him that American media is more dangerous than the Russian media because Russians know the news is fake, Americans believe the fake news.
Crutcher also warns that this election is crucial for the pro-life movement. If Trump wins, pro-lifers need to resist the urge to take a break and assume Trump will champion the cause for them. If Biden wins, pro-lifers need to resist the urge to become despondent and just give up.
The pro-life movement has made great progress, and Crutcher warns that we can’t stop pushing ahead now, no matter who wins. He tells listeners that the daily number of abortions has dropped from a high of 5,000 a day to 2,000 a day. We have to keep fighting and pushing to keep that number moving in the right direction, it’s a life and death fight.
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