Dear readers, will not publish on Good Friday nor on Easter Monday, regular news service will resume on Tuesday March 25 – which is incidentally International Day of the Unborn Child.
We wish you a blessed celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord and ask that you remember in your prayers during this holy time. We are in a financial crunch currently so if you can remember us in that way it’d be very much appreciated.
In today’s news you will notice on item in another language – Spanish. A Mexican reader was so impressed with the popular LifeSiteNews document, “The Inherent Racism of Population Control”, that he asked permission to translate it into Spanish for us – no small task. We recently received the final 65-page, quality translation and have published it today. The hope of José Carlos Huesca Rodríguez and LifeSiteNews is that the document will lead to a further awakening in Latin America of the need to expose and fight the de-population movement.
Today’s news also seems a day of confirmations: confirmation that the pro-life cause is experiencing an amazing Pentecost in Brazil; confirmation that the homosexual lifestyle is unhealthy also in terms of mental health; that contraception leads to abortion and abortion as birth control; that the mainstream media is biased; and that we can remain firm in our convictions even under massive pressure if we rely on God.
Finally, if you haven’t thought of it already you may wish to watch the DVD of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ tonight or tomorrow. As I said in my review of the film at its release: “It is difficult to comprehend that our sins have hurt Jesus. The Passion of the Christ bursts through this barrier. I felt sorrow and shed tears for my sins . . . because my sins were the scourges that inflicted such suffering on my Lord.” See the full review here:
A Blessed Easter to all,
John-Henry Westen