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WASHINGTON, D.C., September 21, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Abortion isn't “women's health,” according to a high-ranking Democrat.

Last Thursday, Rep. Gene Green, D-TX – the top Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Health Subcommittee – said in a subcommittee hearing that “Planned Parenthood provides, as I said before, 90 percent of what they do, at least, is women's health.”

Most supporters of Planned Parenthood consider abortion to be “women's health.” Green's office did not respond to multiple requests by LifeSiteNews to clarify the congressman's position. The Energy and Commerce Committee's Democratic press staff likewise did not respond to two requests, suggesting instead that LifeSiteNews contact Green's personal office.

Green's comments are a reference to Planned Parenthood's claim that only three percent of what the abortion giant does is abortions. This claim has been partially or completely debunked by numerous pro-life and mainstream media sources, including The Washington Post's The Fact-Checker and PolitiFact, as well as the liberal news outlet

Specifically, critics of the “three percent” claim have pointed to Planned Parenthood's unbundling of its services, and how abortions bring in more money than the many contraceptives the abortion company sells.

Sign the petition to defund Planned Parenthood here!

The reference to Planned Parenthood's claim of three percent was at least his third of the day. Earlier, at a press conference, Green said that “more than 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does nationally is preventive care – including cervical cancer screenings, breast cancer screenings, and family planning – mostly for women with low resources and income below the poverty line.”

And in his opening statement at the hearing, Green said that “more than 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does is preventative care, including cervical breast cancer screenings, family planning services, and mostly for women with few resources and income. … We should not continue to play politics with women's health.”