ROME, July 11, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Not only are gay-orgies happening in the Vatican, but the extent of homosexual activity in the Vatican under Pope Francis’ watch has “never been worse,” a reliable senior member of the Curia told National Catholic Register’s Ed Pentin.
Pentin wrote earlier this week that this Vatican Curia member confirmed to him that “multiple sources” within the Vatican, including another senior curial figure, say that the report of a drug-fueled gay orgy right next to St. Peter’s is true.
“He said the extent of homosexual practice in the Vatican has ‘never been worse,’ despite efforts begun by Benedict XVI to root out sexual deviancy from the curia after the Vatileaks scandal of 2012,” Pentin wrote in his report.
News recently broke of a high-ranking monsignor, Luigi Capozzi, who was allegedly arrested some two months ago in the act of hosting a cocaine-fueled homosexual orgy in an apartment of the Holy Office, the same building in which the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith operates.
MUST READ: High-ranking priest caught in cocaine-fueled gay orgy in Vatican apartment
At the same time of the 2012 Vatileaks scandal — where leaked confidential Vatican correspondence allegedly revealed power struggles and intrigue at the highest levels of the Catholic church — a Polish priest released a paper in which he highlighted his discovery of what he called a “huge homosexual underground in the Church.”
Fr. Dariusz Oko said he first began to do research about external threats to Christianity, but then gradually discovered that the “enemy is not only outside the Church, but within it, as well.”
Oko said he uncovered homosexual cliques of clergy, even at the highest levels, that are formed by fear of exposure, lust for power, and money.
“They know well, however, that they may be exposed and embarrassed, so they shield one another by offering mutual support. They build informal relationships reminding [one] of a ‘clique’ or even ‘mafia,’ [and] aim at holding particularly those positions which offer power and money,” he wrote.
“When they achieve a decision-making position, they try to promote and advance mostly those whose nature is similar to theirs, or at least who are known to be too weak to oppose them. This way, leading positions in the Church may be held by people suffering from deep internal wounds,” he added.
Oko said that once homosexual clergy achieve a “dominating position” in the Church’s hierarchy, they become a “backroom elite” with “tremendous power in deciding about important nominations and the whole life of the Church.”
Among the rumors put forward at the time of Pope Benedict’s decision to resign in 2013 was the revelation of the existence of an entrenched “gay network” that orchestrated “sexual encounters” and shady financial machinations within the Vatican. The Pope reportedly decided to resign the day he received a 300-page dossier compiled by three cardinals detailing the workings and sexual activities of a network of homosexual curial officials.
During his first Mass as Pope in April 2005, Benedict asked Catholics to pray for him that he would not flee from his office in the face of betrayal and persecution.
“Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves,” he said at that time.
Benedict’s choice of animal was also used by the Lord in the Gospel of Matthew for describing how Christians, “as sheep in the midst of wolves,” will be persecuted, hated, and even betrayed (Matt. 10:16-22).
MUST READ: Here’s how one saintly pope would clean up gay orgies at the Vatican
Christine de Marcellus Vollmer, a founding member of the Pontifical Academy for Life and president of the Latin American Alliance for the Family, told LifeSiteNews that such “disgusting behavior going on in the Vatican” indicates that the Barque of Peter with Pope Francis as steersman has gone off course.
“Evidently Paul VI was right, noticing that ‘the smoke of Satan has infiltrated the Church.’ This was obvious in 1968 when so many prelates rejected Humanae Vitae, whose logic was so evidently correct about what would happen if contraception were to be accepted,” she said.
“St. John Paul II also knew it would take a modern-day Hercules to clean out the ‘stables,’ but he knew his charism was to teach, and to inspire a new generation with a fresh and comprehensible way to see the human person and the beauty of virtue. Cardinal Ratzinger was aware of much of the vice in the Vatican and, as Benedict XVI, undertook a proper investigation, the product of which was the 300-page report,” she added.
Benedict stated in his February 2013 announcement to step down as pope that his “strength” was “no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry,” adding that “in order to govern the barque of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary.”
Vollmer said that with Benedict’s resignation, high-ranking Church leaders who were bent on “fostering heretical sexual behavior and its acceptance by the Church — otherwise known as the St. Gallen ‘Mafia,’ a group of extremely powerful old Cardinals of the 1970's generation of liberals — saw that their outworn and immoral sexual relativism was soon to be exposed as false and the cause of so much social mayhem.”
MUST READ: They gave Pope Francis four years to ‘make the Church over again.’ Here’s how he’s tried.
“They were also likely afraid that their own depraved private lives and questionable finances were soon to be investigated. And so they turned the tables, managing the election of one of their own, who is fast ridding the Vatican of any who represent the ways and teaching of the popes who came before and [faithfully conveyed] Church moral Doctrine,” she said.
During Pope Francis’ watch, some of the Catholic Church’s most orthodox prelates have in one way or another been conveniently swept out of the way. Among these include Cardinal Raymond Burke, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, and now Cardinal George Pell.
Vollmer said that the time has come for “young Prelates, young priests, and young laity” formed in the true teachings of the Church as faithfully expressed by previous popes to “take steps to get the Barque of Peter back on its proper course.”
RELATED: Cardinal linked to Vatican gay orgy emphasized ‘positive elements’ in gay lifestyle