
The following story was one of the most read and commented upon since we began publishing 16 years ago.
Reading a story like this makes me so sad.
Last year, I was pregnant with my second child. She was 7 pounds 3 ounces and 18 and one half inches long at birth. However, instead of the pink, screaming baby I was hoping for, she was blue, still, and quiet. My baby died in my womb at 37 weeks. My last act of love to my baby was being in labor for 9 hours and delivering her.
I would give ANYTHING to have my daughter here with me today and to see that women are literally killing, trashing, or flushing their LIVING child makes me sick!! There was nothing I could do to save my baby. If there was, I would have done it.
There is something we can do to save these precious little ones! Stop letting immature children have sex! Don't let your daughters stay the night at their boy friends house and vice-verse. Know where they are and who they are with and what time they will be home. PROTECT them from situations that may cause them to be tempted to have sex. Teach your children to respect each other enough to wait until you're married to have sex. Guard their minds from sex on tv and on the internet. It's a lot of work, yea they may hate you for setting rules, but in the end, i think it's worth it if one child can be saved from dying scared, hungry, unloved and alone in a trash can.
This story really hit home with a lot of readers. Abortion has far more of an affect on the members of  a famiily than we realize.
I have a huge pain in my heart … my husband is stubbornly pro-abortion and does not even want to discuss about it. No matter how much evidence and science and reasoning I bring up, he has only one comment: “it has to be the woman's choice”. And the baby? Again, the answer is “It has to be the woman's choice”.
He does not want to talk about the baby at all. But one day he said, while looking somewhere else: “My sister had an abortion”. Here we go. To condemn abortion, for him, is like saying his sister is a murderer, and he can't face this, this is why he does not want to talk about. After this revelation, I'm not discussing the subject with him anymore – I don't want to risk a marriage breakdown and a divorce – but can anyone who read this post please pray for him.
If he was my husband, I would talk to him about why his sister had an abortion. I would ask him if he knew what her reasoning or circumstances were, then I would absolutely validate all of her reasons (not say that they justified abortion, but acknowledge the severity and difficulty inherent in each reason).
Then I would make sure that he understood that I consider her to also be a victim of abortion, not just the victimizer of her baby.
He understands the biology and the facts and the logic, that's why he doesn't try to argue against them, so science is not where you will change his mind. So I wouldn't bother using that approach at all. What I would do is talk about all of the other options to abortion that a woman has and talk about how these options are not always made available and often even actively discouraged. 
I would make sure to make it clear that the goal is not to simply make abortion illegal, nor is the goal in any way to vilify these women. Rather, the goal is to give these women so many other options and so much support for these other options that abortion becomes unthinkable – the vast majority of women don't choose abortion because they find it empowering, they choose it because they feel trapped. I would make it clear that I have nothing but sympathy for the way that his sister felt trapped and that my heart aches for her and for the position she was put in where she felt that abortion was her only feasible option.
I would talk about how the real crime is they way that abortion is held up as a “solution” to a “temporary problem” and that this is actually a lie and many many women live their lives in quiet hurt, feeling alone in their mourning, stuck in a position where they feel they have to defend what thy would have rather not “had” to do in the first place.
He won't talk about the baby because that hurts, and the only victim that stands before him is his sister. He will not even consider the victimhood of the baby until he can understand and fully acknowledge the victimhood of his sister. That's where I would begin – standing on the same side as him in defense of his sister – then show him that defending the baby does not mean throwing her under the bus. In fact, to really understand how much his sister was mistreated requires acknowledging the truth of the humanity of her child.
Jocelyn Rae
I was raped at 15 in 1970 and got pregnant as a result. I placed my son for adoption and met him about 12 years ago. He thanked me for choosing right to life for him and has since had his abs tattooed with “I'm a product of rape”. This is because he knows how easy it would have been for me to get an abortion rather than face carrying this product of rape. I have ALWAYS loved him, always missed him (until I didn't have to any more) and have never felt guilty or shamed for placing him with another family. I never could get pregnant after him and in 1979 adopted a little girl. I can't imagine what shape my mind would have been in had I aborted him. It was bad enough not being able to get pregnant after having given my only child away.

Kathy White Lantz


The massive numbers of PASS people and their deep conflicts better explains the world's problems than any other phenomina. Anyone who has seriously attempted to help them resolve their problems knows how very little can be achieved in a weekend. I know of a program designed to take young people to sea where they encounter enough natural hazards to make them cling to life. This is a vital turn around in attitude because characteristically abortion survivors feel guilty about existing and dance with death.

Marylise is quite correct. There are few people in this sad sick world who are not splattered with the blood of preborn babies, not so much because of what they did but because of what they did not to to defend the preborn. The net effect is the progressive dehumanization of nearly everyone. That will make the next war the most cruel mankind has ever seen.

Dr. Jonah


An exceptionally forgiving woman tells her painful story and relates her powerful witness of Christian love.
No one could be more against gay marriage or felt the consequences of a homosexual relationship could lead a soul to hell more than I have; that is until someone I love more than my own life, confessed to me that he was gay. Never in my entire life had I felt such pain, disappointment and hurt; to say I cried a river of tears in front of the Blessed Sacrament would be an understatement!Being a devoted Disciple of Christ and having suffered what I thought were disappointments and sorrow; nothing can compare or prepare you for the heartache you endure knowing your love one is in a homosexual relationship. And knowing that a Priest and a Brother of your Catholic Faith has reassured them that they are not sinning, is the greatest pain of all. 
So,God bless Bishop Paprocki and all Priests and religious who stand up against this abomination towards God; they will indeed be blessed! Assured by a very devout Priest, that this relationship will not last, and that I should not speak about this to him, nor condone it; that I should just tell him how very much I love him every time I see him and of course to pray for him and his partner, who are both Catholics. 
For those of you who know someone who struggles with these tendencies……please pray for them and their families! We come from a very large,devout Catholic family and we know our prayers for his conversion will be heard. We just need to remember what JESUS SAID, “HATE THE SIN AND NOT THE SINNER.” Please Pray for more priests to stand behind God's word and to stop leading His people astray!May God bless us one and all!
I resent the implication that those clerics and laypersons who support the statements expressed by the Bishop are somehow portraying homosexuals and lesbians as morally “depraved.” To begin with, we distinguish between same sex inclination and same sex acts. It's fair to say that the inclination to homosexuality is not, in our view, a sin. The sin is the ACT. 
As a lay Protestant, I would characterize all homosexual and lesbian sexual acts or conduct as a departure from, or even an offense against, natural law. Natural law is that which exists in a realm which we instinctively sense exists, but which is nevertheless unseen. It is roughly akin to Plato's World of Forms, which he described as a world of perfection. Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox theologies all draw on theories of natural law as do certain legal systems and constitutions such as the Constitution of the United States and other common law nations. For me, SSM is inconsistent with and repugnant to natural law, and for this reason, SSM cannot stand as a legally permissible institution. Moreover, no cleric of a Christian or Catholic church can approve of such conduct which goes with same sex relationships. It's in my view, impossible by definition. Any such “approval” of same sex conduct as was done in the Church of England recently, is simply void, ab initio, in its inception.
Some people opposed to abortion do far more damage with their insensitive or callous remarks than they realize as this commenter relates
I know, Steve, as I had an abortion 39 years ago and have ministered to post-abortive women for many years now. Unfortunately, the replies above are very indicative of the Christian response overall — of six replies above, four of them chastise the mom…or around 80%. This is the sad trend that I am hoping begins to change.
If these people only understood that every week in every church pew there are a handful of women who suffer immense grief over their abortion and yet are terrified of telling them, I hope they would change. These women suffer the most grief over their peers' rejection of them……Christian peers who are otherwise lovely people. It is the casual comments they overhear and the vitriol they read in blogs like this which scream rejection. Why should they believe they will be received with compassion when 80% of their peers openly taunt abortive women?
As someone who has been there and then finally found a voice, part of my “mission field” is to the pro-life community – please understand that God loves these women JUST AS MUCH AS HE LOVES YOU. Their sin is no more filthy in His eyes than yours are. 
WE are Christ's ambassador's on earth. We have been given Mercy – some of us abundant Mercy. How many women are in your own circle of influence that fear your rejection because of how you speak about women who have had abortion? How much healing has been lost due to you? 
How can we remedy that? The next time someone in your circle says something like “I can't BELIEVE that someone would abort their child!!” turn to that person and say, “I can't imagine the pain and confusion a woman must have been going through to believe that abortion was her best choice.” 
Become SAFE people to be around and you will be amazed at how often you will have touched the heart of a post-abortive woman and been a vessel for God's Mercy and healing.
Sorry…..I'll get off my soapbox now.
A humorous, but on target response to this delightful video
Reminds me of something my mom posted on the fridge. The author went on about, “Was your mom mean? Ours sure was! While other kids got to eat candy for breakfast, we had to have something decent. Our mom broke all the child labour laws making us do chores. I think she lay awake at night and thought up more things for us to do. She always wanted to know who we were with, where we were going, and when we'd be back. She wanted to get to know all of our friends. None of us have ever been in trouble with the law. We all grew up to become decent citizens. It was all her fault. I think I know what the problem is in the world today. It just doesn't have enough mean moms.”
Angela Goudman


Again, another report related to the damage caused by the insensitive remarks of some people opposed to aborton.

A big part of this story is what the singer thought first – her impression of pro-lifers from the general media was one of anger and rudeness. A very far cry from the majority of pro-life people who walk peacefully in the March for Life each year, or stand quietly in front of abortion clinics to pray the rosary. However, the pro-abortion side is extremely violent (the medical staff kill babies after all, hide incest and rape cases and even send women who are injured during procedures through the back door to get into an ambulance) and physically attack pro-life demonstrators often-however the general media usually don't put those stories on the front page (unlike lifesitenews does). A major need to get the true message out about what pro-life people are and what they do needs to be done. Visibility is very important.
Li Min
A prominent psychiatrist explains the great loss and damage experienced by any culture that discourages childbearing.
People are less likely to have children when they lose hope. They lose hope when they have fewer children. Children produce hope. They make parents and others think of and plan for the future. They conserve resources and save money when they have children. When there are no children for a couple, they tend to become hedonistic, spending now to have a good time and caring little whether or not they have money in the bank.
Post abortion survivors, (siblings of babies murdered in the womb) are afraid to have children. They know they could more easily make the mistakes of their parents, mistakes that brought them survivor guilt, existential anxiety, distrust of parents and authority etc. Since about 40% of Italians are abortion survivors, this factor has a huge impact. Since it is very hard to effectively counsel people who have the post abortion survivor syndrome, it is unlikely that Italy will easily find a solution to its current social and economic woes. 
No country can find a solution to the question, how to run an economy with a declining population. It has never been done before and current economic policies are no help.
This message is also one from Lord of the Rings
There is a saying in the UK that “you may as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb”. They will come for the rest soon and the bishop will have nowhere to go. It is better to make a stand at the beginning rather that be forced to at the end.
We too often greatly underestimate the consequences of avoiding difficult, but clearly necessary actions. LifeSiteNews has always found convincing people of the immediate gravity of developments that we report to be our greatest challenge. 
I think perhaps when the push starts gathering momentum to ban Christmas and other Christian holidays and anything to do with the Bible from public use and sight, people may finally start to wake up… at the moment, most people probably think it will never go this far. 
But who in 1960 thought we'd have legal abortion for 9 months on demand within a generation- or who thought in 2000 SSM would be legal 5 years later- how many even thought a charter like this would be coming into law a few years ago… The reality is that things are changing fast, and there are a lot of people out there who don't realize the agendas involved, of which “separation of church and state” is only the visible part of the iceberg.