WASHINGTON, D.C., December 14, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A gay rights organization recently published the largest survey of transgender people ever attempted in the United States.
The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) surveyed 27,715 self-described transgenders in 2015 and analyzed the results of their self-reported experiences.
Both transgender rights advocates and those who believe transgenderism needs healing would agree that the NCTE survey shows transgender life is anything but gay. Responses reflected a special interest group that as a whole feels victimized and discriminated against in the wider community. The survey also revealed that violence is a common facet of transgender life.
Nearly half (47 percent) of transgender participants said they experienced being sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime. No follow-up questions probed the possibility of cause-and-effect, or asked whether respondents felt past sexual assault led them to reject their birth gender.
Psychiatrists and researchers have long known the high rate of suicide and attempted suicide among transgenders. Some experts attribute these tendencies to deep inner conflict and others say transgenders are suicidal because of a lack of acceptance in society at large. The NCTE survey found 39 percent of transgenders report serious recent psychological stress (eight times the 5 percent rate of the average American).
Fully 40 percent admitted to attempting suicide — nine times more common than the average citizenry (4.6 percent). Seven percent attempted suicide in the past year, which is 12 times the average rate (0.6 percent).
Additionally, the survey confirmed the astronomical rates of HIV infection: five times the general population (1.4 percent vs. 0.3 percent). It lists 3.4 percent of transgender men (men living as if they were women) having HIV, and an incredible 19 percent of black men living as women — nearly one in five — having the life-threatening precursor to AIDS.
Twelve percent of transgender respondents report prostituting themselves (the NCTE calls prostitution “sex work in exchange for income”). More than three-quarters (77 percent) have experienced partner violence.
The NCTE also concluded from their survey that transgender people are economically disadvantaged. Twenty-nine percent were living in poverty in the summer of 2015 — twice as many as in the general population (14 percent). Thirty percent experienced homelessness at some point in their transgender journey. Transgenders reported a 15 percent unemployment rate — twice as high a rate as the rest of the country last year.
A summary of the results of the survey is available here.
“The 2015 Transgender Survey presents a heartbreaking portrait of the tragic lives led by many transgender persons: unemployment, poverty, disease, attempted suicide, and a myriad of other sorrows,” Foundation for Moral Law Senior Counsel Col. John A. Eidsmoe told LifeSiteNews. “Whatever the cause and effect may be, we should think twice about adopting policies that could encourage people to enter into the transgender lifestyle.”
Eidsmoe, who is also a Free Lutheran pastor, added, “Possibly for this reason, God's Word is clear: He created us male and female, and His plan is that male and female we should remain (Genesis 1:26-28; Leviticus 18:22; Deuteronomy 22:5; Romans 1:26-27). God's standards don't change with public opinion polls or court decisions. And there is wisdom behind them — His wisdom.”
The NCTE places blame for transgender suffering not on the lifestyle but on the government. As Vox reported, “The nation isn’t doing enough to support trans people.”
David Lane of the American Renewal Project rhetorically asked LifeSiteNews, “Homosexual behavior is an activity, a behavior; when did political correctness succeed in making it an identity?”
Eidsmoe concluded, “We should approach transgender persons with Christ's love and compassion, but we should not compromise the truth of His Word.”
The NCTE was founded in 2003 by transgender activists seeking to advance transgender equality “changing laws, policies and society.”