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(LifeSiteNews) — A gender-confused man will represent the United Kingdom at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women starting next week.

“I’m happy to announce that I’ve been accepted as a U.N. Women U.K. delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, which is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women,” Martin “Katie” Neeves, a male confused about his gender, wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

The 68th session of the commission begins next week and runs from March 11 to March 22.

The Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) criticized Neeves.

“This makes perfect sense given that the United Kingdom at the U.N. is as radical as they get on sexual orientation and gender identity,” C-Fam President Austin Ruse told LifeSiteNews via email.

“We fully expect a serious fight at the commission on the status of women over the whole range of issues related to the sexual revolution,” Ruse said. “And we fully expect the United Kingdom, along with Germany, and the Nordic countries, leading the fight to impose these radical ideas on the rest of the world. The good news is that traditional minded countries are going to stand up and say no.”

But if Neeves has his way, transgenderism will become more popular: he wants other individuals to think it is “cool” to be “trans.”

“Being an openly transgender woman [sic] and a trans ambassador, I am on a mission to not only show that it’s OK to be trans, but it’s actually cool to be trans too,” Neeves writes on his website. His X handle is also “cool2btrans.”

Neeves began openly presenting himself as a female in 2018, according to his website. He also has diagnosed gender dysphoria, according to his website. He wants parents to encourage their kids to “identify” as the opposite sex and even wrote a song about how his parents opposed his gender delusions.

“Don’t fight them on this… you can’t fight gender dysphoria… gender dysphoria will always win… just go with it… if you try to fight them you’re going to make your child extremely unhappy and ruin your relationship with them,” Neeves told the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) last year.

On the contrary, up to 98 percent of boys and 88 percent of girls with gender dysphoria will naturally grow out of the condition by adulthood, according to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Neeves would cross-dress as a kid by stealing his sister’s underwear, according to a leaked video from a “diversity training.”

His representation of women drew criticism online.

“Male selected as UK delegate to UN Commission on the Status of Women. Ok. Same as it ever was,” feminist philosopher Cathy Devine wrote on X. “Women are not permitted freedom of expression, autonomy, and self-determination.”

“Another male speaking for women [because] the identitarian left think everyone should have self-determination, unless they’re women,” Lee Hazel wrote on X. “I’m often perplexed as to why these individuals aren’t ashamed, but I suppose Tony Abbott wasn’t ashamed when he assigned himself Minster for Women.”

