(LifeSiteNews) — Former Trump appointee Jack Brewer threw his support behind Pennsylvania pro-life U.S. Senate candidate Kathy Barnette, saying that “Trump got this one wrong” when he endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz.
In a video posted by Fox News, Brewer —a former NFL team captain, college professor, and White House appointee for the Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys — contradicted his former boss by endorsing Barnette and warned that “Dr. Oz just does not represent American Christian principles that this nation was founded on.”
“It’s time for us to think, sit back, and understand what we’re facing today with the spiritual battles that are attacking our country from its core,” continued Brewer.
Barnette’s popularity has surged in the final days of the campaign before next Tuesday’s statewide elections, with recent polling showing that she has doubled her grassroots support in the last week and is now in a statistical dead heat with Trump-endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz.
RELATED: Homosexual Trump aide panics as pro-life Kathy Barnette surges in Senate race against Dr. Oz
In his one-minute video endorsement, Brewer said:
I am here today to endorse Kathy Barnette for U.S. Senate in the state of Pennsylvania. As a former Philadelphia Eagle, I understand the issues that are facing so many of the underserved kids across that state. And I’ll tell you what: Trump got this one wrong. Dr. Oz just does not represent American Christian principles that this nation was founded on.
It’s time for us to think, sit back, and understand what we’re facing today with the spiritual battles that are attacking our country from its core.
Kathy Barnette understands, she’s a real warrior. She served in the U.S. military and will continue to serve and represent the people of Pennsylvania through her time in the Senate. Let’s elect her. She’s the right choice.
Don’t listen to the things that you hear in the media — the slander that is not true. I know this woman, she’s a principled lady, and we’ve got to get her in D.C.