
Goal: $100,000. Donations received: $38,855.

Monday June 7, 1999


TORONTO, June 7 (LSN) – The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has ruled that the Toronto Transit Commission must place gay, lesbian and bisexual advertisements on TTC transfers and electronic billboards at stations. A discrimination complaint by the homosexualist group Toronto Area Gays and Lesbians produced the ruling from the controversial quasi-judicial tribunal.

TTC officials told LifeSite that elected representatives sitting on the public transit commission voted against running the ads. As a result, this ruling is another in a growing list of affronts to democracy by Canadian courts and tribunals. The Supreme Court of Canada’s recent M vs. H ruling, which pressures the Ontario government to provide spousal benefits to homosexual couples is another example. The legislative attempt to advance this aspect of the political agenda of the homosexualist lobby failed in 1994 when an NDP government bill was defeated by opposition parties due to public opposition.

Anticipating opposition from some transit workers who do not want to distribute the homosexualist propaganda, the TTC warned its employees: “If any employee were to refuse to co-operate that would be a serious matter.” Reports have already come in about drivers who are not handing out the ads.

This appears to be more fallout from the Harris government’s shocking 1996 appointment of homosexual activist Keith Norton as head of the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Since that appointment the commission has used the power given to it by the Tories to bludgeon one group or organization after another that has resisted the advancement of the gay agenda.


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