
WASHINGTON, January 15, 2004 ( – Utah Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, who was once one of the best known pro-life and pro-family legislators in the U.S., has been praised by Kate Michelman, the outgoing president of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL Pro Choice America). 

In response to a question, Michelman identified Hatch as the opponent she respects the most saying, “he and I have had long years of conversation and respect each other’s positions.” The announcement came as little surprise to some life and family leaders who have seen two major betrayals by Hatch. 

In a shocker to pro-life leaders last year, Hatch teamed up with pro-abortion zealot Democrat Dianne Feinstein to co-sponsor a proposal which overtly allowed human cloning for ‘therapeutic purposes’ where the human clones created would be experimented on and killed before birth. 

Hatch also furthered his reputation as a ‘turn-coat’ by joining notorious anti-family Democrat Senator Edward Kennedy to push homosexual hate crime legislation. 

See the coverage of Michelman’s statements

See related LifeSite coverage: 

Proposed U.S. Legislation Would Allow Human Embryo Farms   

Homosexual Hate Crime Bill Pushed in US by ‘formerly’ conservative Republican Hatch