
By Gudrun Schultz

FT. LAUDERDALE, Florida, August 29, 2006 ( – A Christian broadcasting organization has suggested evolutionary theory was the foundation of Hitler’s Nazi ideology. The claim was made in a made-for-TV documentary exploring the devastating social consequences of Darwinian evolutionary theory, reported the Christian Post on Friday.

Coral Ridge Ministries produced the documentary, entitled “Darwin’s Deadly Legacy,” aired last weekend in the U.S. Among other destructive consequences of modern reliance on evolution theories, the program illustrates the influence of Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” philosophy on the genocide ideology of Hitler and the Nazis.

“We’re reaping the consequences, right now in this culture, of generations that have been taken through a public education system and taught a Darwinian view, taught that you can explain life by natural processes; and therefore, ultimately, your morality is whatever you want to make it to be. That’s really Darwin’s legacy,” Ken Ham, president and CEO of Answers in Genesis, said in the documentary.

Hitler justified the attempted extermination of the Jews on evolutionary principles of the survival of the fittest, the documentary suggests, relying on the Darwinian philosophy that superior genes naturally enable the strongest members of a species to dominate weaker genetic strains.

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