FAIRFAX, Virginia, November 6, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A Fairfax County parent and voter told LifeSiteNews that Tuesday's elections should convince School Board members to “be focused on educating our children[.]”
“Several Fairfax County pastors, including my own pastor, Marty Baker at Burke Community Church, spoke out strongly against the school board's actions in violation of parental rights and children's safety,” Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Casey Mattox told LifeSiteNews.
In May, only one of the Board's 12 members opposed adding “gender identity” to protected classes in the nation's largest district. Mattox says voters noticed, and wrote on Facebook that “after the Fairfax County School Board publicly called parents bigots for being concerned about boys in girls bathrooms, one of those board members has lost his job tonight to a Republican who respects parents.”
At-Large Board member Ted Velkoff lost to Jeanette Hough, while Tom Wilson took the Sully District seat left open by incumbent Kathy Smith. Smith won her bid for Sully District supervisor.
Both Velkoff and Smith voted to give teenagers with gender dysphoria access to restrooms of the opposite sex. Several Board members accused the objecting parents, who outnumbered supporters of the transgender measure ten to one at the May board meeting, of acting out of fear and bigotry.
“I have no doubt that many Christians and concerned parents turned out in Fairfax County to express their dissatisfaction at the School Board's anti-family actions,” continued Mattox in an e-mail to LifeSiteNews. “While anecdotal, I noticed that the precincts at and around my church all supported pro-family candidates as their top choice, and I don't believe that is a coincidence.”
“Hopefully the Fairfax County School Board will hear the message that voters are sending. The school board should be focused on educating our children and keeping them safe, not trying to railroad through a divisive policy at the demand of those who oppose parental rights.”