WARWICKSHIRE, UK, February 5, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The claim that increasing contraception reduces abortion received a death blow this week from the UK’s biggest abortion provider. Figures from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) reveal that a staggering two-thirds of women having an abortion were using a contraceptive at the time they conceived.
“Ultimately women cannot control their fertility through contraception alone, and need accessible abortion services as a back-up for when their contraception lets them down,” said Ann Furedi, BPAS’ chief executive, in a press release.
BPAS looked at the contraceptive use of 156,751 women aged 15 and over visiting its clinics for an abortion between January 2011 and December 2013.
“Two thirds (66%) of women having an abortion at bpas reported using a form of contraception when they conceived. 40% of these say they were using the contraceptive pill, the most popular prescribed contraceptive in the UK,” the abortion organization stated in a report titled “Women trying hard to avoid unwanted pregnancy.”
Figures on condom use for preventing pregnancy were almost as dismal as those of the pill.
Over a third of women (35%), about 54,862, having an abortion at BPAS became pregnant while using condoms.
Furedi tried to downplay the failure behind contraception. “An unintended pregnancy is often a happy accident,” she said in a press release. “Contraception fails and sometimes we fail to use it properly. In our experience women are trying hard to avoid unwanted pregnancy, or sometimes vastly underestimate their own fertility.”
Furedi’s statement on abortion as a solution for failed contraception echoes those of Joyce Arthur, founder and executive director of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, who admitted last year that “[m]ost abortions result from failed contraception.”
While proponents of legal abortion often argue that increasing contraceptive use reduces abortion, pro-life critics say the dramatic rise in abortion numbers across the globe over the last few decades is directly linked to the influx of contraceptive pills and devices.
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Dr. Malcolm Potts, former medical director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, predicted in 1973 that as “people turn to contraception, there will be a rise, not a fall, in the abortion rate.”
Anthony Ozimic, communications manager for the UK’s Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), told LifeSiteNews that there is a “growing body of evidence that the provision of contraception not only fails to prevent unplanned pregnancies but results in unborn children being victimised to death as the unwelcome consequences of so-called contraceptive failure.”
A 2012 Russian study found that while Russian women had the highest rate of contraceptive use when compared to surrounding countries, they also had the highest abortion rate. The researchers were clearly perplexed when they found “higher odds of modern contraception” led to a “higher level of abortion,” calling their findings “contradictory,” “unexpected,” and “paradoxical.”
A 2011 Spanish study found that as use of contraceptive methods increased in a sample of more than 2,000 Spanish women (49.1% to 79.9%), the rate of abortion in the group doubled in the same period. The researchers were clearly puzzled by the findings of their 10-year study, calling it “interesting and paradoxical” that the large increase in elective abortions was associated with a remarkable increase in the number of women who used contraceptive methods.
Research from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute showed in 2011 that a majority of abortions took place in America after contraception failure, stating that “54 percent of women who have abortions had used a contraceptive method [usually condom or the pill] during the month they became pregnant.”
One UK government report found that cuts to contraception did not increase abortion rates, as expected, but may have actually decreased them.
Ozimic suspects that abortion providers will use the BPAS study to push for more contraception.
“Abortion merchants like Ann Furedi use ‘contraceptive failure’ as a leverage for both more abortion and more contraception,” he said.
Ozimic said that contraception’s effect on culture and society has been wholly negative. “It deems unborn human life disposable and discards any notion of individual responsibility for sexual behavior,” he said.