May 22, 2014 (The Cardinal Newman Society) – Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia reportedly said of his alma mater Georgetown University that it is “not Catholic anymore.”
In an interview with The Remnant’s Vincent Chiarello, Scalia spoke extensively about his faith and about his memories of the Jesuit University. He said that when he attended, “they rolled you out of bed to attend Mass. Not anymore.”
Scalia also recalled being asked a question during a final oral exam by the chairman of the history department, according to the report. Dr. Wilkinson reportedly asked him what the most important event in the history of the world was.
Scalia reportedly said he thought at the time, “I have done very well up to here and there is no wrong answer to this one.” In response, he said he considered a number of great battles throughout history but finally Dr. Wilkinson replied, “Mr. Scalia it was the Incarnation, when Christ became a man; that is the correct answer.”
Chiarello added, “One seriously doubts that Dr. Wilkinson’s question is ever asked at Georgetown examinations today, and if it were, clearly his response would no longer be considered correct.”
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This is not the first time Scalia lamented Georgetown’s drift from its Catholic roots.
Last year, Scalia, in a speech at the University of Virginia, reportedly said that Georgetown’s Catholic identity was stronger when he attended. “When I was at Georgetown, it was a very Catholic place,” he reportedly said. “It’s not anymore – and that’s too bad.”
The reported remarks from Scalia follow news that the Vatican responded to the canon law petition from Georgetown alumni, faculty and students concerning the University’s Catholic identity. The secretary of the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education responded to the petition—which was built on evidence compiled by The Cardinal Newman Society—describing the complaint as “well-founded” and stating that the Congregation is “taking the issue seriously and is cooperating with the Society of Jesus.”
Reprinted with permission from The Cardinal Newman Society