
Tuesday September 14, 2010

Ugandan Ethics Minister to Porn Dealers: ‘Your Days are Numbered’

By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

KAMPALA, September 14, 2010 ( – The Ugandan government has announced a new legislative initiative to widen the definition of pornography and to eliminate its distribution from the country.

Dr. James Nsaba Buturo, the nation’s Ethics and Integrity Minister, says that the new law will help to eliminate the “terrible vice” of pornography, and help to discourage other vices related to it, such as homosexual behavior.

“Pornography leads to homosexuality,” said Buturo in a recent press conference. “I’m happy that, finally, a bill to eliminate pornography in Uganda will be ready to punish the promoters of this vice.”

Those convicted of distributing pornographic materials will be subject to fines, loss of their business, and anywhere from five to ten years in prison.

“Those who deal in pornographic materials, your days are numbered,” Buturo said during the press conference. He also stated that “we have finally acted and this time, this law will work because our integrity is not for sale.”

According to the Ugandan Monitor, the new bill will define pornography as “any form of communication from literature to fashion or photography that depicts unclothed or under-clothed parts of the human body (such as breasts, thighs, buttocks or genitalia), that narrates or depicts sexual intercourse or that describes or exhibits anything that can lead to erotic stimulation.” Exceptions will be given in certain cases, such as sports or the private lives of spouses.

Buturo said that the legislation had been provoked by “an increase in pornographic materials in the Ugandan mass media and nude dancing in entertainment world,” and said that the legislation had already reached the level of discussion in the general cabinet.

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