By Peter J. Smith
UNITED KINGDOM, March 20, 2007 ( – Amnesty International (AI) members in the United Kingdom narrowly reject making abortion advocacy a part of Amnesty’s human rights mission according to a newly released consultation report.
Amnesty International’s UK branch (AIUK) initiated a consultation from September to February 2, 2007 to gauge whether its members would be receptive to including abortion in a policy on Sexual and Reproductive Rights (SRR).
Many in AI have expressed concern that embracing abortion would unnecessarily compromise the organisation’s human rights mission. Both the Catholic Church and pro-life advocates have warned they will cease their support if AI denies the human rights of the unborn child.
AIUK dispatched teams to deliver presentations and facilitate discussion at its 11 regional conferences and the student conference with 3 questions on adopting a position on abortion:
Question 1: Do you agree that Amnesty International should develop policy to enable research and action to achieve the following: – decriminalisation of abortion – access to quality services for the management of complications arising from abortions – access to abortion in cases of rape, sexual assault, incest, and risk to a woman’s life
Yes: 45.4% No: 45.7% Undecided: 8.0% No answer: 0.8%
Question 2: Are there any further circumstances under which AI should develop policy on abortion? eg risk to mother’s health, severe foetal development, sex-selective abortions, unwanted pregnancy in forced or early marriages etc
Yes: 31.1% No: 42.6% Undecided: 8.0% No answer: 18.4%
Question 3: Should Amnesty International take the view that a woman’s right to physical and mental integrity (her safety and health) includes her right to terminate her pregnancy within reasonable limitations, if she chooses to do so? So abortion should be legal, safe and accessible for all women?
Yes: 35.3% No: 52.8% Undecided: 9.6% No answer: 2.3%
Members rejecting a pro-abortion policy opposed abortion under any circumstances out of ethical or religious conviction, expressed concern that the rights of the unborn child should also be considered in any discussion on abortion, and were concerned that the adoption of a policy on abortion could damage Amnesty International’s worldwide reputation and cause members to leave.
The results reflect the opinion of approximately 1,800 respondents or 1% of AIUK’s membership and will be available at the 2007 National Conference and Annual General Meeting in Edinburgh March 23-25. Members will vote on the position delegates will present at the 2007 International Council Meeting in Mexico.
Amnesty International’s current policy on abortion states: “AI takes no position on whether or not women have a right to choose to terminate unwanted pregnancies; there is no generally accepted right to abortion in international human rights law.”
To contact Amnesty International with concerns:
International Secretariat
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See the Amnesty consultation results:
See Previous LifeSiteNews coverage:
UK Bishops Appeal Amnesty International to Protect Unborn Life
UK Bishop Warns of Catholic Break with Amnesty International over Pro-Abortion Stance
Amnesty International Getting Cold Feet over Abortion Support, New Zealand Branch Clarifies
Vatican Condemns Amnesty International’s Move Towards Abortion Advocacy
Amnesty International Considers Pushing Enforcement of Abortion as Human Right