
By Alex Bush

LONDON, UK, July 1, 2009 ( – David Cameron, leader of the UK Conservative party, attended a gay pride fundraiser called “Pride at Paramount” yesterday where he expressed his party's desire to embrace the homosexual lobby, reports PinkNews, a U.K. homosexual news outlet.

“That's the kind of change we need today. That's the kind of change the new, compassionate Conservative Party understands,” he said to the attendees. “And together, as politicians and individuals, we can bring about that change. No to bigotry and prejudice. Yes to responsibility and equal rights. It's a change worth fighting for.”

Cameron boasted about how the Tories have changed their attitude towards the homosexualist cause: “Just think if ten years ago a Conservative candidate had suggested holding a fundraiser as part of Gay Pride week. I'm not sure they'd have got many Conservatives to attend … and I'm not sure there would have been many gay people there either.”

“But here we are this evening, standing side by side. It is a sign of how our society is changing. It's a sign of how much the Conservative Party has changed,” he said.

Cameron, who became leader of the Tories in 2005, and who has been hailed as one who would fight for traditional values, said in 2005 that he wished to re-civilize “our society, with school discipline, with strong families, and with cultural change.”  He also added that society is not the same thing as the State, and decryied Labour's “command and control state,” which minutely regulates nearly every aspect of British private as well as public life.

But in 2007, Cameron voted with the Labour Government in favor of the controversial Sexual Orientation Regulations, the same regulations that are closing Catholic adoption agencies for not allowing homosexuals to adopt from them.

Cameron also said that he would not support legislation that would make eugenic abortion for disabled children up to birth illegal in 2008.

This past May Cameron also committed to “outreach” with homosexual activists, a promise he seems eager to keep.

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