UK Contraception and Abortion Promoters calling for Sex Ed for Four Year-Olds
By Hilary White
LONDON, July 4, 2008 ( ) – Explicit sex education ought to be compulsory for children as young as four, says a pair of abortion-promoting organisations in the UK. The Family Planning Association, the UK’s answer to Planned Parenthood, and Brook, both registered charities, are calling for children of pre-primary age to be indoctrinated into the new sexual mores.
Speaking to BBC Radio’s Newsbeat today, Brook’s Chief Executive, Simon Blake said, “If we get high quality sex and relationships education in every primary and secondary school across the UK all the evidence shows teenage pregnancy rates will continue to fall and will improve young people’s sexual health.”
“Sex and relationship education” ought to be on the curriculum across the UK, alongside other compulsory subjects such as math and English, the groups said. The groups claimed that the government is not giving young people enough information about sex and relationships.
More sex education has long been the Labour government’s guiding principle whenever the issue of teenage pregnancy or rising abortion rates is brought up in Parliament. It has been the normal response, even while all statistics have shown that the rates of unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and abortion have risen steadily in lock-step with the increased emphasis on sexual education in schools since the early 1970s.
Recent statistics showing that Britain is breaking its own records in unplanned teenage pregnancies and is on its way to becoming, in the words of one MP, “the abortion capital of Europe,” prompted the response from government that more sex education and free contraceptives are needed. The Department for Children, Schools and Family said it was reviewing the delivery of sex education in schools.
Under the guise of promoting “sexual health” such organisations as Brook and the FPA operate as registered charities in the UK and promote the values of the “sexual revolution” that helped to sweep away the formerly universal Judeo-Christian worldview of the west. A product of the early 20th century’s eugenics movement, the FPA was founded in 1930; its stated raison d’être is “so that married people may space or limit their families and thus mitigate the evils of ill health and poverty.”
The FPA’s foundress, Margaret Amy Pyke, with Marie Stopes in Britain and Margaret Sanger in the US, was a major figure in the early push to introduce artificial contraceptive practices to Britain and the subsequent promotion of legalised abortion. Pyke was a regular contributor to the Eugenics Review and a member of the British Eugenics Society.
In her work pushing the government to legalise abortion, Pyke made the now-standard claim that legalisation would make the procedure “safe” and, with adequate contraception and “education,” would actually reduce the number of abortions. In 1963, she claimed that 109,500 abortions were already committed in the UK. Recent Department of Health official statistics showed that the number of abortions in the UK in 2003 was 181,600.
Read a thorough history of the involvement of “family planning” organisations with the international population control movement:
The Inherent Racism of Population Control