February 8, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Matt Hancock, the U.K. Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, stated in a press conference last week that COVID-19 vaccines will become seasonal, much like flu shots.
“For 40 years we have had a flu vaccination program, and every year the flu jab is updated to make sure it is as effective as possible against new variants. This is a standard part of what the NHS does every autumn to protect us against the flu,” Hancock said. Hancock suggested coronavirus vaccines will eventually take the “same place” as flu shots.
Many people believed a COVID-19 vaccine would be like other vaccines which are taken once for full immunity. However, new experimental COVID-19 vaccines apparently cannot offer permanent immunity. Salon reported back in September, “Some viruses, such as measles, confer lifelong immunity on those who have either contracted them or been vaccinated against them. Not so with coronavirus. The science suggests that coronavirus contraction (and thus likely vaccination, too) provides what is known as ‘transient’ immunity.”
As people line up to get the experimental COVID-19 vaccine in hopes of returning to life as it was before, they may not be aware that there is no guarantee that the vaccine will last beyond one season. It’s more likely that the virus will behave like viruses do and mutate, just like flu does year after year.
Similar reports are being echoed in the U.S.
“[H]ow long will that immunity last?” an NJ.com article asked. “The simple answer is we can’t be sure, and not just because the vaccine hasn’t been studied long-term. As new, more contagious strains of the coronavirus pop up around the world, there is a chance that it could evolve to render the current vaccine no longer effective, which would mean you would need to get another dose of the vaccine, formulated for a new strain, much like a flu shot.”
LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.
Will COVID vaccines really bring us back to normal?
Forced vaccines, vaccine passports against human rights: Council of Europe