LONDON, December 11, 2002 ( – Illustrating the danger of international courts forcing pro-homosexual agendas, the UK is set to alter its laws to allow men and women who have mutilated their bodies through sex-change operations to alter their birth certificates and get married to a same-sex partner. The legislation comes in response to a July ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that a UK man who had a sex change in his 50s should be recognized as a woman and be allowed to marry another man. The Strasbourg judges said: “A serious interference with private life arose from the conflict between social reality and law, which placed the transsexuals in an anomalous position in which they could experience feelings of vulnerability, humiliation and anxiety. In the 21st century the right of transsexuals to personal development and to physical and moral security in the full sense enjoyed by others in society can no longer be regarded as a matter of controversy requiring the lapse of time to cast clearer light on the issues involved.”
The Guardian reports that the UK is one of four countries in Europe – with Albania, Andorra and Ireland – which still refuse to allow transsexuals to alter their birth certificates. See related LifeSite coverage: EUROPEAN COURT RECOGNIZES TRANSSEXUAL’S RIGHTS AS A “WOMAN” See coverage in The Guardian:,11812,857161,00.html