By Steve Jalsevac
LONDON, March 20, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – British Conservative leader David Cameron has voted with the Labour government in favour of the controversial Sexual Orientation Regulations. Cameron’s behaviour on this issue has been a great disappointment to some.
In his first speech as party leader to the House of Commons in Dec. 2005 Cameron said his plans included, “re-civilising our society, with school discipline, with strong families, and with cultural change.” He added that society is not the same thing as the State, decrying Labour’s “command and control state,” which minutely regulates nearly every aspect of British private as well as public life.
Cameron also identified the breakdown of the traditional family as a major cause of social disorder in Britain. Despite this he voted yesterday to support measures which critics charge will accelerate that very same breakdown.
The apparent flip-flop by the Conservative leader who, prior to winning the leadership did not have a public record of supporting anti-family measures, with one exception, should come as no surprise. The exception was his vote in 2004 for the Civil Partnerships Act. During the party leadership campaign, Cameron obtained the support of prominent Tory gay activist Alan Duncan. Pinknews, a gay activist news service that endorsed Cameron for the leadership, reported during the run-up to the leadership: “Mr Cameron has also pointed to a break from the Conservatives’ deep-rooted homophobia.”
Support from well connected, politically savvy gay activists, as experience in Canada and the US reveals, always seems to come with heavy, but hidden, strings attached. It is invariably, eventually followed by dramatic pro-gay changes in law and policies by those who procure such support.
Canada’s Conservatives and the Bush Republicans have also been increasingly using gay activist political strategists and their powerful networks to help them gain and maintain power. Canada’s Ontario Conservatives, under former Premier Mike Harris, advanced the gay agenda, using undemocratic procedures, far more than either the Liberals or socialist NDP were ever able to do.
Harris, who had the reputation of a hard right Conservative, employed one of Canada’s most prominent gay political strategists, Jaime Watt, in his inner circle of advisors. A top level Canadian federal Conservative Cabinet Minister also employed Watt for his most recent re-election campaign.
To Respectfully contact David Cameron:
Write to: David Cameron M.P., House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA
Telephone: 020 7219 3475 and 0207 219 1945 Fax: 0207 219 1506
Email: [email protected]
See Pinknews endorsement of David Cameron for leadership:
New Tory leader, David Cameron must keep to his promises on gay issues https://www.pinknews.co.uk/news/opinion/2005-237.html
See previous LifeSiteNews.com reports on Cameron: British PM ~ No Religious Exemption to Law Forcing Provision of Goods and Services to Gays
British Tory Party Leadership Won By Traditional Family Champion David Cameron
British Tory Leadership Winner Likely to be Self-Described “Compassionate Conservative” David Cameron
See effect of gay activist political influence on Ontario Conservative Party:
Campaign Life Coalition 199 election evaluation of Ontario Harris Tories on Homosexual issue
Ontario Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill – All Party Collusion to Avoid Accountability Succeeds
“Democracy is dead in Ontario” – Bill 171 – a tale of political scheming and cowardice
And in Washington:
Bush Appointment of Gay Man to Head US AIDS Program Dismays Social Conservatives