By Hilary White
NEW YORK, January 27, 2006 ( – The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (CFAM), has congratulated Canadians on the Conservative victory in Monday’s federal election and says it looks forward to a less hostile set of UN appointees from Canada.
Calling the Liberal-appointed Canadian representatives to the UN, “notoriously hostile” to UN supporters of life and family, Austin Ruse said, “Over the past 12 years, the Liberal Party’s choices for Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations and for membership in delegations to U.N. conferences have advanced the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and pro-prostitution agenda.”
Wendy Wright, Executive Vice President of Concerned Women for America, told the Friday Fax that under a Liberal Government the foreign social policy of Canada “has been in the forefront” in supporting the “most radical policies” that are considered at the UN.
These policies include the Canadian delegation’s recent opposition to anti-prostitution language being put into drafts of proposed UN treaties. Canada has a poor international reputation in human sex-trafficking and under the Liberal government included immigration provisions to improve what it saw as a shortage of “exotic dancers.”
In March, 2005, The Irish Anti-Trafficking Coalition (IATC) warned Monday that legalizing prostitution in Canada would make the country a “magnet for human trafficking.” Gregory Carlin, IATC Director said, “Canada is one of those countries with legalized child sex tourism and remains a popular ‘holiday’ destination for sex predators from the US,”
Although Prime Minister elect Harper did not recall him, Canada’s ambassador to the US, Frank McKenna, resigned earlier this week. C-Fam’s Friday Fax speculates that the radically pro-abortion “Catholic” ambassador to the UN, Allan Rock, will also be recalled.
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