JOHANNESBURG, July 21, 2005 ( – At meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa, representatives of the United Nations have again called for the universal criminalization of parents who use ordinary corporal punishment in disciplining their children. By lumping such genuine atrocities as child sexual slavery together with normal corporal punishment within ordinary families, the UN is furthering its efforts to control every aspect of private life under the pretext of ‘eliminating violence against children.’
The meeting in Johannesburg is one of a series of worldwide, regional events purporting to examine how children are affected by violence in five settings: the home and family; schools and other institutions; work situations; the community; and on the streets.
The tactic of inventing non-existent, ideologically based discrimination and ‘abuses’ and placing them in the same category as genuine dangers, is a tried and true one in UN circles.
The UN press story on the Johannesburg meeting illustrates the strategy. The first three fifths describe the problems of child rape and its connection with rates of AIDS infection in Africa. At the end of the media release, the “Independent Expert” Sergio Pinheiro, offers the solution of a universal ban on corporal punishment. “Despite progress in civil and political rights, democracy has not made its way into the family and schools.”
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Read the UN release: