GENEVA, Feb 17 (LifeSiteNews) – Yesterday, Mary Robinson, United Nations High Commissioner for the Human Rights and Secretary-General to the World Conference on Racism, delivered the opening speech at an “expert seminar on remedies available to the victims of acts of racism, racial discrimination, xenopobia and related intolerance.” In her talk Robinson called for legal measures to ensure “non-discrimination” and urged keeping tabs on the Internet in this regard.
“I would encourage you to consider and examine different judicial, administrative and other procedures to ensure that the principles of non-discrimination and equality are applied in practice,” said Robinson. From the beginning of her appointment as Human Rights head in 1997, Robinson has flogged her definition of “discrimination”, which always included a reference to “sexual orientation.” She repeated her refrain in Tokyo in Jan 1998 and in a visit to Canada in November 1998.
See Robinson’s speech.
See her constant inclusion of “sexual orientation” under discrimination here, here, and here.