NEW YORK, May 29 (LSN) – In a release issued today, the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (CAFHRI) reported that the United Nations has awarded official “consultative status” to a tiny, elite group of dissidents who call themselves “Catholics for a Free Choice” (CFFC). The group, which has been called “a well-funded letterhead,” is lead by Frances Kissling, who left the Church decades ago. Its purpose is to fight the Catholic Church’s position on abortion and contraception. CAFHRI also noted several other pro-abortion groups that have received official status with the UN. According to CAFHRI, NGOs (non-governmental organizations) which are given “consultative status” at the UN are permitted to “travel freely on UN property, participate at all UN conferences, and, in some cases, consult directly in the preparation of UN documents and policy.” The Vatican has encouraged pro-life and pro-family groups to seek recognition at the UN in order to defend the culture of life. For more information on how to apply for “consultative status,” write [email protected]
NEW YORK, May 29 (LSN) – In a release issued today, the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (CAFHRI) reported that the United Nations has awarded official “consultative status” to a tiny, elite group of dissidents who call themselves “Catholics for a Free Choice” (CFFC). The group, which has been called “a well-funded letterhead,” is lead by Frances Kissling, who left the Church decades ago. Its purpose is to fight the Catholic Church’s position on abortion and contraception. CAFHRI also noted several other pro-abortion groups that have received official status with the UN. According to CAFHRI, NGOs (non-governmental organizations) which […]