GENEVA, Mar 17 (LSN) Yesterday was the opening day of the six-week UN session marking the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The first speaker at the event, Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel, set an ominous tone as he talked about uniting the world’s religions. Havel said the anniversary session “should become the scene of a quest for a common denominator of spiritual values uniting the different cultures of the world.” The reference to “a common denominator of spiritual values” is clearly a revisiting of the UN’s proposed Earth Charter. Unveiled at the UN’s Rio +5 conference last year, the Earth Charter is to be a global set of moral values which can supposedly be greed to by all regardless of religion or culture. The brainchild of Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong, the document defines an unusual set of “ethics” and reads like a New-Age Ten Commandments. The “ethics” outlined in the charter are in direct conflict with the tenets of Christianity, due to their support of abortion via population control. According to journalist Celeste McGovern, who covered the Rio +5 conference, the Earth Charter contains 18 principles of which at least two are hostile to pro-life. Principles 3 and 11 unquestionably foster anti-life proposals for population control and abortion. They are: 3. Live sustainably, promoting and adopting modes of consumption, production and reproduction that respect and safeguard human rights and the regenerative capacities of Earth. 11. Secure the right to sexual and reproductive health, with special concern for women and girls. [In UN terms, “sexual and reproductive health” includes abortion.] Therefore there is no question that pro-lifers must refuse to endorse the Earth Charter, and encourage our country’s leaders to reject it, regardless of the international repercussions. The aims of the UN are to implement their version of “Human Rights” universally without exception and to finalize their implementation this year. In his address to the anniversary session, the UN’s Secretary General Kofi Annan said, “Let this be the year in which the world once again looks to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as it did 50 years ago, for a common standard of humanity for all of humanity.” The use of the UN to promote the anti-life agenda on a global scale, and the increasing attempts to force individual nations to implement anti-life UN documents, has led pro-lifers and others to see the UN as a threat to the sovereignty of individual nations. One proposal to deal with this problem was proposed by Australian political analyst B. A. Santamaria. Santamaria recommended each nation take up a public position based on four propositions: *We are prepared to discuss any and every proposal and program put up by the various UN bodies. *We will support those which we believe deserve support, and oppose those with which we disagree
GENEVA, Mar 17 (LSN) Yesterday was the opening day of the six-week UN session marking the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The first speaker at the event, Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel, set an ominous tone as he talked about uniting the world’s religions. Havel said the anniversary session “should become the scene of a quest for a common denominator of spiritual values uniting the different cultures of the world.” The reference to “a common denominator of spiritual values” is clearly a revisiting of the UN’s proposed Earth Charter. Unveiled at the UN’s Rio +5 conference […]