UNITED NATIONS, Feb 1 (LifeSiteNews) – While claiming not to promote abortion in countries where it is illegal, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women did just that with Burkina Faso, according to UN reports issued late last week.
Mariam Marie-Gisele Guigma, Minister for the Development of Women of Burkina Faso, told the committee that her country’s Family Code contained legislation which “imposed penalties for female genital mutilation, rape, abortion, seduction of minors, public assault on chastity and good morals, incest, bigamy, adultery and incitation of minors to debauchery.” Yet after this clear indication of the criminality of abortion in the country, the UN committee went on to criticize the country for not allowing abortion. The UN report notes that an “expert” (unnamed) criticized the “Ministry’s programme for the protection of maternal and children’s health” since it “did not cover abortion.”
See the UN CEDAW report on Burkina Faso.