OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Liberal Canadian MP Adam Van Koeverden called Jesus a “democratic socialist” while blasting Christians who aren’t concerned over alleged “climate change” during a House of Commons debate on Thursday.
Van Koeverden claimed that Jesus was a “democratic socialist” because he cared about people “first and foremost,” blasted Catholics and Evangelicals for purportedly not doing enough to “fight for our planet,” and even erroneously claimed that man was created to “take care of the planet.” The MP also claimed to have been raised Catholic in his speech but holds several positions that contradict Church teaching, including support for abortion and LGBT ideology.
The MP began his speech by stating that he was raised Catholic and that Christians have a duty to protect the Earth.
“I have taken a slightly different path personally, but I attended catechism, and I remember Genesis 2:15 told us that people were put on this planet to take care of Planet Earth,” Van Koeverden said.
As stated in the Baltimore Catechism, God created man to know, love, and serve Him while on Earth in order to be happy with Him in Heaven for all eternity, not simply to “take care of the planet.”
“I also know that foundational to Christian ethic is that we ought to all support vulnerable people. In my view, Jesus was undoubtedly a democratic socialist. He cared about people first and foremost,” Van Koeverden said later in his speech.
The Catholic Church has consistently taught and reaffirmed that the tenets of socialism contradict the Gospel.
“Statistics tell us very clearly that evangelical Protestants and Catholics are among the people who care about ‘climate change’ the least. Could the member change my mind? Could he tell me that he believes in ‘climate change,’ and that he believes we ought to act to lower our emissions and to fight for our planet because it is the only one that God ever created for us?” the MP added.
While it is true that the faithful are tasked with being stewards of the environment, they are not obligated to believe in “climate change” nor is the issue of the environment the most pressing for Catholics.
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Despite being raised Catholic, Van Koeverden is pro-abortion, repeating the false line that women have a “right” to murder their own children. He has also stated and written extensively in support of “2SLGBTQ+” ideology. In addition to these stances, Van Koeverden was a major proponent of mandating the deadly, abortion-tainted COVID shots and even cursed at an unjabbed constituent online who had criticized his support for the mandates.
“Anthropogenic global warming” (AGW) or “climate change,” the thesis that human activity, rather than natural phenomena, is responsible for Earth’s changing climate and that such trends pose a danger to the planet, is based in large part on manipulated data. AGW proponents suffered a blow in 2010 with the discovery that their leading researchers at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, East Anglia Climate Research Unit, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had engaged in widespread data manipulation, flawed climate models, misrepresentation of sources, and suppression of dissenting findings in order to make the so-called “settled science” say what climate activists wanted it to.
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