Sunday, February 21, 1999
Resolutions passed at this weekend’s United Alternative convention. Resolution five is
the ballot question posed to the convention, which selected choice number 4 as its
first option:
United Together in a New Vision for Canada
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: As we prepare to meet the needs that lie before us, the participants
assembled recognize that we must:
* End the one-party dominance that has eroded the effectiveness of our national
political institutions and political debate, and dampened the hopes, dreams and
well-being of our citizens;
* Give Canadians a strong, united, national, political alternative with a new vision
that will serve to modernize and strengthen our political foundations;
* Set new standards of political co-operation and leadership;
* Create an alternative that reflects the best of Canada’s historic and contemporary
conservative principles and reform movements; and
* Explore the possibilities of political re-alignment with thoughtfulness, foresight
and courage; and
* Commit ourselves to a small but effective government in Ottawa whose powers are
clearly defined and strictly limited to the functions that are essential to a
modern federal state.
Economic and Fiscal Themes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The participants assembled endorse economic and fiscal policies that:
* Foster an economic climate where a thriving entrepreneurial sector creates quality jobs
for all Canadians;
* Mandate balanced budgets;
* Lower personal and business taxes;
* Support priority pay-down of the national debt;
* Simplify and make fairer the Canadian tax system through publicly driven tax reform;
* Follow transparent and generally accepted financial accounting principles;
* Recognize and affirm the historic common law right to ownership and enjoyment of private
Social Themes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The participants assembled recognize that all human beings possess
the fundamental human rights of life, freedom and the right to own and enjoy property; and
The participants assembled endorse social policies that build upon Canadians’ traditional
values of strength and compassion, characterized by:
* Personal responsibility;
* Individual freedom and independence;
* Recognize the family as the essential building block for a healthy society;
* Respect and support for law and order, including substantial reform of the criminal
justice system;
* A commitment to building and maintaining a superior health care system which
respects provincial jurisdictions;
* A practical sensitivity to the many legitimate regional, cultural and linguistic
interests within Canada;
* An environmental protection program that recognizes the balance needed between
environmental protection and economic and social development;
* Development, while promoting conservation and wise use of Canada’s natural
* Supporting genuine refugees and immigration, where it is a positive source of
economic growth;
* Reasonable assistance to those of us who are unable to secure the necessities
of life; and
* A primary role for provincial governments, rather than the federal government,
in formulating social policies.
Democratic and Governance Themes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The participants assembled recognize the need for more
democratic and accountable political institutions and a better-working federation.
We support policies that renew and strengthen democratic institutions and resolve
questions of accountability and jurisdiction, including:
* A clear understanding and respect for the role and powers of a more focused
federal government (with respect to both domestic and international
* A clear understanding and respect for the role and powers of the provincial
* A respect for the equality of all citizens and provinces before and under the law;
* Respect for the vision and the intent of the original Confederation agreements
regarding the division of responsibilities, and an end to the abuse of federal
spending powers which undermine those agreements;
* A strengthened new federalism that promotes co-operation, reduces overlap and
duplication between the two orders of government, and provides clear
* Meaningful parliamentary reform, including:
i) initiatives to make the House of Commons more democratic and accountable
ii) An unwavering commitment to an elected Senate.
* Increased direct democratic responsibility through referenda and citizens’
* Initiatives to make the House of Commons more democratic and accountable,
including free votes to reduce party discipline and help private member
initiatives and recall.
* Electoral reform.
* A clear understanding that final responsibility for public policy rests with
elected governments and not unaccountable judges and human rights bureaucrats,
and respect for the legitimate use of the section 33 notwithstanding power.
Political Action Plan
WHEREAS: The participants assembled are agreed on the need for a united national
alternative, and on the core themes around which such an alternative may be built:
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The participants assembled debate the following four political
action options with respect to taking steps toward:
1. Uniting behind an existing political party;
2. A merger of two or more established political parties;
3. The adoption of measures that facilitate riding-based actions to recruit and
select common candidates; and
4. The creation of a new political party; And thereafter that a ballot be taken
among the accredited participants, prior to the end of the Convention, to
determine the participants’ wishes with respect to proceeding with one or
more of the options described above.
The Path To Victory
The participants assembled direct the United Alternative Steering Committee, in the
event that it is required by the results of the ballot referred to in Resolution 5, to:
a) Pursue the wishes of this Convention resulting from the ballot referred to in
Resolution 5; and
b) In furtherance of that objective to form a number of balanced Action Committees
to work at the direction of the Steering Committee and in consultation with
supporters of this effort in every region of Canada to:
i) Develop a policy and platform document based upon the principles adopted by
this Convention (henceforth to be known as ‘The Policy Committee’), and a
membership-driven policy development and review process suitable to a grassroots
ii) Develop a proposed constitution and/or bylaws for a new political entity which
ensure membership control of the key executive structures and regular leadership
reviews (henceforth to be known as ‘The Constitution Committee’);
iii) Develop a public relations and communications strategy to effectively communicate
the future activities arising out of this Convention (henceforth to be known as
“The Communications Committee”);
iv) Develop plans and commence preparations for the next national election campaign,
including recruiting and nominating candidates, developing a national campaign
plan and budget, and establishing local and national campaign teams (henceforth
to be known as “The Election Readiness Committee”);
v) Develop and implement a national fundraising campaign to finance these and other
activities (henceforth to be known as “The Fundraising Committee”);
vi) Approach other federal, provincial and local political parties and associations
with an open invitation to join forces in support of further mutual policy and
political objectives (henceforth to be known as the “Outreach Committee”); and
vii) Review the legal, administrative and tax issues associated with proceeding with
any of the action plans from the results of the ballot taken in Resolution 5
(henceforth to be known as “The Law Committee”);
And further, direct that the Steering Committee cause each of these Action Committees to
report back to a future meeting to be held at a time and place to be determined by the
Steering Committee, but not sooner than November 1, 1999 and not later than June 30