
BRUSSELS, May 26, 2003 ( – A draft constitution for a “United Europe” was launched today—one that provides for an elected super-president and a single “foreign minister.” Significantly, the Constitution commits member states to “unreservedly” support a common foreign policy and a legally-binding Charter of Fundamental Rights.  British Conservatives condemned the document. “By supporting incorporation, the Labour Party is signing away Britain’s national interests as the Charter will grossly undermine Britain’s capabilities in the fields of social, employment and cultural policy,” said Timothy Kirkhope, Tory MEP and a Conservative Representative on the Convention. He said: “The British Government is pulling the wool over the eyes of the British people,” by supported steps toward a united Europe.  After 15 months of acrimonious debate, including much discussion over whether the Constitution should make any reference to God, the draft includes reference to “the will of the citizens and States of Europe to build a common future,” and states: “The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, liberty, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights. These values are common to the Member States in a society of pluralism, tolerance, justice, equality, solidarity and non-discrimination.”  However, beyond a commitment to “ensure that Europe’s cultural heritage is safeguarded and enhanced,” the document excludes any reference to God or even a Creator, and makes no mention of the most prominent element of Europe’s “heritage” – its Christian faith..  For coverage in The Times:,,1-693111,00.html   For previous LifeSite coverage:  EU CHAIRMAN BACKS POWERFUL NEW PRESIDENCY FOR EUROPE   EU CONSTITUTIONAL BATTLE RAGES OVER INCLUDING GOD   POLAND, OTHERS SEEK TO OPT OUT OF E.U. ABORTION LAWS