MADISON, Wisconsin, February 22, 2010 ( – An open records request has revealed that the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics (UWHC) has been funding medical students’ rotations at Planned Parenthood for training in abortion procedures, say Pro-Life Wicsonsin and Alliance Defence Fund. The groups contend that the setup may be a violation of state law prohibiting taxpayer funding of elective abortions.
“The mountain of evidence continues to build showing UW’s deceit,” said Peggy Hamill, state director of Pro-Life Wisconsin (PLW). “I challenge UW and UWHC officials to prove they have not violated state law.”
Statute 20.927 of Wisconsin law states, “No funds of this state or of any county, city, village, town or long term care district or of any subdivision or agency of this state or of any county, city, village or town and no federal funds passing through the state treasury shall be authorized for or paid to a physician or surgeon or a hospital, clinic or other medical facility for the performance of an abortion.”
Statute 20.9275 additionally prohibits spending state funds on programs that provide, encourage, or refer for abortions.
The medical students in the UW School of Medicine Ob/Gyn Department have two four-week rotations at Planned Parenthood, where they view and participate in abortions. (To view the signed contract between UW and Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, click here.)
In a November 14, 2008 email, Carl Getto, M.D., stated, “UWHC has been paying for the [Planned Parenthood] rotation to date. We will continue to do so. Please let Planned Parenthood know.” Getto is the senior vice president of medical affairs at UWHC.
“As a UW graduate, I am deeply ashamed my alma mater is funding the destruction of innocent human life and training future baby killers,” said Virginia Zignego, communications director for Pro-Life Wisconsin. “UW’s blood runs red, indeed.”
Pro-Life Wisconsin and the Alliance Defense Fund have filed an additional open records request for any recent records regarding payments made between UW and Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.
Last month, Pro-Life Wisconsin unearthed UW documents they said raised serious questions that a demand for in-house fetal body parts for research fueled the recent decision to perform late-term abortions at the Madison Surgery Center. MSC is is jointly owned among UW Hospital and Clinics (UWHC), Meriter Hospital and the UW Medical Foundation.
See related coverage:
Documents Raise Spectre of Fetal Harvesting in Univeristy's Late-Term Abortion Scheme