ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, January 9, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The University of New Mexico suspended and is investigating a researcher who “transferred” aborted baby parts from a late-term abortion facility to a private company.
According to a university memo obtained by the Albuquerque Journal, Dr. Robin Ohls “acquired fetal tissue for months from the Southwestern Women’s Options abortion clinic and transferred it to a private company in Michigan.”
That private company is Zietchick Research Institute LLC, the recipient of at least three federal research/technology grants for small businesses. It has one employee.
Ohls is barred from entering her lab until the investigation is over.
The illegal practice of trafficking human baby body parts is widespread across the abortion industry, the revolutionary 2015 videos from the Center for Medical Progress revealed.
Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) is one of America’s most notorious late-term abortion facilities. The facility commits abortions through all nine months of pregnancy.
In 2016, the U.S. House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives recommended the University of New Mexico be prosecuted for their participation in the fetal body parts trade. The report said the University had acquired the body parts from SWO.
However, the state’s Attorney General, Democrat Hector Balderas, is not prosecuting the entities.
According to the new memo suspending Ohls, the University’s Health Sciences Center (HSC) “was concerned that…an issue was being raised that would potentially infringe on the University’s policy to not buy or sell human tissue” and “appropriate research compliance approvals and processes protocols had not been followed.”
Pro-life watchdog group Operation Rescue, which has extensively documented SWO’s abuses, noted the irony of the Albuquerque Journal running “contradictory stories”: one on Balderas not prosecuting SWO or the University, and the other on Ohls’ suspension for potentially breaking the law.
Operation Rescue President Troy Newman speculated Balderas isn’t prosecuting the abortion center and the University for political reasons.
“I guess his political career was more important to him than doing his sworn duty to uphold the law,” said Newman. “Fortunately, the Department of Justice has opened an active investigation into Planned Parenthood aborted baby body parts scheme, and are also investigating the UNM/SWO referrals, so there is still some hope that justice will be done.”
Officials at the University’s HSC have for years “misled the public and protected the lawbreakers in the midst of systemic violations of laws and regulations,” said Elisa Martinez, executive director of New Mexico Alliance for Life. “UNM HSC officials have attempted to conceal the suspension of Robin Ohls, in order to mislead the public and pretend nothing is going on.”
“The entire system is corrupted” under its current leadership of Chancellor Paul Roth, Martinez said, demanding he “be removed immediately.”
Local and national pro-life groups have for years focused on exposing the practices of SWO with the hopes of shutting it down. One of SWO’s abortionists is 80-year-old Curtis Boyd, who began committing illegal abortions before Roe v. Wade.
A 23-year-old woman died after an abortion at SWO in February 2017.
In October 2017, Abortion Free New Mexico released an undercover call with the facility revealing its staff offering to abort a 37-week-old baby for $17,000. In another undercover call, a SWO employee said they “euthanize” pre-born babies and deliver them “stillborn.”
SWO workers told a 27-week-pregnant Live Action undercover investigator in footage released in 2013 to “just sit on the toilet if the baby comes” and a doctor and nurse would meet her at her hotel room.