BUDAPEST, Jan 25 (LifeSiteNews) – As LifeSite reported last week, the Hungarian pro-life group Alfa Alliance and a Catholic priest were fined nearly $3000 CDN (not $35,000 as was reported based on an erroneous AFP report) for acting in defense of the life of a 13-year-old’s unborn baby. An update on the story from the Alfa Alliance indicates that in fact, the teenager, Katalin, approached other agencies hoping to keep the baby since she believed abortion to be wrong. Her mother however, insisted on an abortion, seeing the pregnancy as a disgrace to the family.
The pro-life group went to court on behalf of Katalin and her baby finding a loophole in the law which allowed them to act as guardians of the unborn baby since the pro-abortion mother was legally her guardian. A court in the town of Baja ruled in March 1998 that baby should not be aborted. However, later that same month Welfare Minister, Mihaly Kokeny, together with the Minister for Justice, the Minister of Home Affairs, and the Minister of Education, rejected the court ruling and advised for an abortion. The baby was killed on March 26, 1998.
On January 19, 2000, the pro-life group and the priest were ordered by the Superior City Court in Budapest to pay the fine and write an apology letter to the plaintiffs which ran contrary to their consciences and religious convictions. The Alfa Alliance has requested assistance with the case in terms of prayer, legal advice, letters of protest and financial aid.
Contact info:
Imre Teglasy, PhD. Founder and Secretary-General of the Alfa Alliance Servant Leader of Heartbeat International BANK-ACCOUNT: OTP Rt. 11702036-20642239
E-mail: [email protected].
fax: 36-1-202 5258
Postal address: Alfa Szovetseg 1534 Budapest Pf. 453/370 Phone: 36-30-226 775
(with files from Pro-Life E-News)