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Top row, left to right: Will Goodman, Lauren Handy, John Hinshaw, Rosemary Geraghty. Botton row, from left to right, Heather Idoni, Jean Marshall, Jonathan Darnel, Joan Andrews Bell (Missing: Paulette Harlow) LifeSiteNews

(LifeSiteNews) — President Donald Trump has set over 1,500 political prisoners free, but not everyone victimized by the Biden administration has yet been pardoned.

There are still almost two dozen of our pro-life brothers and sisters in jail. If you have not already done so, please sign our petition to the president for their full pardon.

Last June, President Trump promised to get Paulette Harlow, whom he mentioned by name, and other political prisoners “out of the gulags and back to their families where they belong.”

Thus, even as they cheered the release of their J6 friends, pro-lifers jailed for their defense of unborn human life wondered why they themselves were not going home.

John Hinshaw, who has written several articles for LifeSiteNews from jail, told us from prison Wednesday that he has believed Trump will pardon the pro-life prisoners “since his first promise, 3 weeks after our conviction and incarceration, at the Pray, Stand, Vote conference in Washington, D.C.”

“He has since promised pardons for us on several occasions,” he added.

John’s prison sentence ends tomorrow, but without a pardon, his life and work will continue to be constrained, as he wrote in this must-read essay.

RELATED: Imprisoned pro-lifer: I will see you at the March for Life if President Trump pardons me

Unfortunately, it looks right now that John will not be able to meet his friends and readers tomorrow at the March for Life.

Yesterday, LifeSiteNews published an article from Will Goodman, whose prison writings we have also published. In true Stoic fashion, Will writes that “it is important to recognize that the presidential pardon could still be in the works. Trump had many executive orders to sign, thus we may just not have been a top priority to him. So we continue to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.”

RELATED: Imprisoned pro-lifer: I am hoping for Trump’s pardon but also preparing not to receive it

The worst is, however, unthinkable, as President Trump has promised his Christian supporters many times that he will pardon the pro-life prisoners, and so far he seems to be a man who keeps his promises.

Could it be that the president, with his genius for dramatic flair, is just waiting for Friday’s March for Life to announce that he is going to set these captives free?

We fervently hope so. We have never – not for a moment – forgotten our brothers and sisters taken prisoner on the frontlines of the fight for life. LifeSiteNews has been running our petition for the incarcerated pro-livers for months, and the Thomas More Society has now officially requested pardons for Joan Bell, Coleman Boyd, Joel Curry, Jonathan Darnel, Eva Edl, Chester Gallagher, William Goodman, Dennis Green, Lauren Handy, Paulette Harlow, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, Jean Marshall, Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, Justin Phillips, Paul Place, Bevelyn Beatty Williams, and Calvin, Eva, and James Zastrow. We would also like to mention Rosemary “Herb” Geraghty.

RELATED: Thomas More Society asks Trump to pardon 21 pro-lifers convicted, imprisoned by Biden DOJ

