(LifeSiteNews) – There is a significant amount of information which suggests that the U.S. federal government, in coordination with international governments, may have planned to conduct (or is currently conducting) an international, multi-year falsified pandemic “preparedness exercise.” Previous articles discussed some of that information, but there is much more information to support that claim.
It was previously described that one method to determine whether COVID-19 is a falsified pandemic is following the “paper trail” so to speak. A falsified pandemic should be illegal in America for several obvious reasons. Thus, U.S. government officials might want to protect themselves by attempting to legalize such an activity, exercise, or covert operation, and one may find evidence of such attempts in U.S. federal government documents. (Whether the attempt to legalize a falsified pandemic would succeed is beyond the scope of this discussion).
One law providing a large amount of information supporting the claim that COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic is the “Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019” (Pandemic Act of 2019). That law was passed by congress on June 24, 2019, only a few months before the reported COVID-19 outbreak. There are too many significant points from that law and previous updates to the law to mention here.
One of the main points to keep in mind, though, is that the law attempts to enhance the legal authority of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) to carry out potentially national, ongoing “drills and operational exercises.” Such drills and exercises may include pandemic drills and exercises which may be performed “without notice.”
National health ‘exercises’ and legal requirements
Another document providing significant information suggesting the U.S. federal government may conduct a falsified pandemic “exercise” is officially titled “U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Strategic Plan for 2020-2023,” but is shortened as “ASPR Strategic Plan for 2020-2023.”
The Pandemic Act of 2019 and preceding laws, along with pandemic legal actions taken by President Barack Obama soon before leaving office, may be potential examples of attempting to legalize a falsified pandemic exercise as a covert operation.
The ASPR Strategic Plan for 2020-2023 also provides multiple examples of apparent attempts at claiming that the objectives, strategies, and plans within the document – including “multi-year” national exercises – are merely required by law or policy.
This is described in the ASPR Strategic Plan 2020-2023 as follows:
To meet the nation’s current and projected health preparedness, response, and recovery needs, this Plan builds on the successful foundation established by the ASPR strategic plans issued in 2011 and 2014, and aligns with the HHS Strategic Plan FY2018-2022 and other relevant national strategies and legislation. (Page 1, emphasis added)
Thus, the document claims that ASPR’s plan for national “health preparedness” is founded upon other national strategies and legislation. Additionally, the document explains that
The vision, core values, priority goals, strategic objectives, implementing strategies, and performance feedback mechanisms detailed in this Plan define the path forward to enhance execution of the ASPR mission. Through implementation of this Plan, ASPR is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities under various higher-order statutes, policies, and plans to save lives and help protect the American people against all hazards. (Page 58, emphasis added; “all hazards” includes pandemics – page 9)
Again the document is claiming that the ASPR has legal requirements or “responsibilities” required by “higher-order statutes, policies, and plans.”
This seemingly implies, then, that the ASPR’s national preparedness exercises for pandemics or emerging infectious diseases are required by “higher-order statutes, policies, and plans.”
‘National preparedness’ for evolving ‘health threats’
One “higher-order policy” that the ASPR Strategic Plan 2020-2023 cites is President Obama’s “Presidential Policy Directive/PPD – 8” on “National Preparedness,” issued in 2011. It is another document worth studying closely to determine whether the U.S. federal government may have planned a falsified pandemic exercise. Specifically, President Obama’s PPD-8 is significant for its definition of “national preparedness:”
The term “national preparedness” refers to the actions taken to plan, organize, equip, train, and exercise to build and sustain the capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from those threats that pose the greatest risk to the security of the Nation. (Page 5, emphasis added)
It is significant that the term “national preparedness” includes “actions taken to…exercise.” The ASPR Strategic Plan 2020-2023 cites President Obama’s PPD-8; thus, the term “national preparedness” in ASPR Strategic Plan 2020-2023 seems to include national “exercises.” It should be kept in mind when reading the ASPR Strategic Plan 2020-2023 (and likely other U.S. government “health security strategies”) that “national preparedness” includes national exercises.
It is also significant that the term “national preparedness” includes “exercises” in its meaning due to the ASPR Strategic Plan 2020-2023’s following statement:
As health threats evolve, the approaches that government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and other key stakeholders use to plan and conduct public health and medical prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery activities must also evolve. (Page 16, emphasis added)
Again, “preparedness” includes “exercises.” Thus, the ASPR Strategic Plan 2020-2023 may be suggesting a new type of or “evolved” preparedness exercise. An internationally falsified pandemic covert operation used to coerce coronavirus vaccination, lockdowns, and other activities may fit the description of an “evolved” approach to “preparedness.”
Are health ‘exercises’ required by law?
Now, as mentioned previously, the ASPR Strategic Plan 2020-2023 describes its actions as being legally required. The Plan also describes its objectives and implementation as “legislative and policy mandates.” (Page 14)
Here again, one may find the ASPR Strategic Plan potentially disclaiming legal responsibility. And, as a previous article mentioned, two significant sub-objectives implied to be based on “legislative and policy mandates” are under the objective to “strengthen response and recovery operations.” The sub-objectives are plans to
Fully implement, test, and validate the various components of the ASPR Incident Response Framework, including development, implementation and ongoing exercising of all functional annexes (Information Management, Planning, Resource Coordination, and Finance & Administration) and other supporting annexes, operational doctrine, and SOPs (Page 31, emphasis added)
Establish a financially sustainable, multi-year and multi-level exercise program designed to test policies, plans, and capabilities and achieve and sustain national preparedness to prevent, respond to, and recover from all-hazards disasters (Page 31, emphasis added)
A “multi-year exercise program designed to test … and achieve and sustain national preparedness” would seemingly include the possibility of a national, multi-year falsified pandemic. And, the aforementioned quote seems to imply that a multi-year exercise to “achieve and sustain national preparedness” would be a major operation. A falsified pandemic covert operation would also fit the description of “ongoing exercising” to “fully test…various components of the ASPR Incident Response Framework.”
HHS plan enlists ‘foreign governments’ for ‘international preparedness activities’
Now, the ASPR Strategic Plan 2020-2023 says that it “aligns with the HHS Strategic Plan FY2018-2022.” (Page 1)
It is a bit of a side note, but the HHS Strategic Plan FY2018-2022 “draft” was released in 2017. Two days after its release, the Secretary of the HHS, the highest-ranking member of the HHS, resigned. This may be significant but will not be elaborated on here.
The HHS Strategic Plan FY2018-2022 provides several suggestions that a falsified pandemic exercise may have been a planned strategy by the U.S. federal government.
Specifically, the objective “prepare for and respond to public health emergencies” which aligns with the ASPR Strategic Plan 2020-2023’s objective to “strengthen response and recovery operations,” includes the following introduction:
Federal statutes, Presidential directives, and strategies set the Nation’s approach to preparing for threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. National preparedness is a shared responsibility of the government and nongovernmental sectors, as well as individuals.
Again, “national preparedness” may include “national exercises.” The HHS Strategic Plan FY2018-2022 then states that “HHS is working with other Federal departments, foreign governments, and multilateral organizations to create a world safe and secure from public health threats” to “advance global health security through the following strategies:”
Enhance international preparedness activities at the national, regional, and global levels to identify gaps, build capacity, and track progress to prevent, detect, and respond to health threats…
Promote and support…the development, understanding, and use of behaviors or actions that people and communities can take to help slow the spread of disease or limit the impact of threat agents in response to a public health emergency
Collaborate with, and provide leadership to, international programs and initiatives to strengthen global preparedness and response to public health and medical emergencies
Further develop, exercise, and update plans for responding to global threats that have the potential to impact national health security
Again, anytime “preparedness” is used to refer to America’s preparedness, it may refer to “exercises;” thus, the Department of Health and Human Services planned strategy to “advance global health security” by enhancing “international preparedness activities at the national, regional, and global levels” may seemingly include an international/global falsified pandemic exercise.
And this is significant support for the claim that COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic exercise: in 2018 the HHS planned to “Further…exercise…responding to global threats.”
To work with other foreign governments and other U.S. federal departments to “exercise…responding to global threats” may require one or more global threats and actual responses to those global threats. And it is significant that something is not really a “threat” if it is known to be a hoax or if it is known to be some sort of falsified exercise.
This statement, then, may imply that an international or national covert falsified pandemic or epidemic response and recovery covert operational exercise was planned.
Additionally, when the HHS says that HHS is working with “other Federal Departments,” it cannot be referring to the CDC or NIH, since both of those are within the HHS. Thus, the HHS may be referring to “national security” departments or entities like the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI (which is within the Department of Justice).
Also, the HHS Strategic Plan FY2018-2022 cites “zoonotic diseases” as one potential global threat. One strategy is to
Implement effective and coordinated public health and healthcare interventions to detect, prevent, and control environmental, person-to-person, and zoonotic transmission of infectious diseases in the United States and globally (hyperlink in original source)
The hyperlink provided by the HHS Strategic Plan FY2018-2022 is specifically the CDC’s “National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases” which was travelling around the world in 2019 with the FBI – in Japan, the European Union, and South Africa – giving “workshops” and “training sessions.”
Maybe it is merely a coincidence, maybe foreign governments can’t figure out on their own how to investigate whether an infectious disease originates from a giraffe or collusion with Russia, thus requiring the highly specialized expertise of the CDC’s zoonotic division and the FBI. And maybe after all the previous years of Islamic terrorism, the year 2019 was the year that the FBI and the CDC finally completed such “training sessions” in Japan, the European Union, and South Africa.
However, it is worth noting that the Japanese cruise ship COVID-19 outbreak, beginning on February 1, 2020, was majorly reported in the United States, and thus, influential in spreading the initial fear of COVID that would eventually lead to lockdowns, coerced vaccine use, and other draconian measures. And so too was the following reported COVID-19 outbreak in Europe, particularly Italy.
Because of those factors, it needs to be mentioned that the FBI and the CDC’s zoonotic division could have been traveling to Japan and the European Union to prepare for an upcoming pandemic covert operational exercise. In that scenario, COVID-19 may be the falsified pandemic exercise.
Of course, maybe foreign governments really do need the help of the CDC and the FBI.
But, then again, couldn’t such help be provided through the FBI’s already published “Joint Criminal and Epidemiological Investigations Handbook 2016 (International Edition)”? Why was it necessary for the FBI and CDC’s zoonotic infectious disease division to be on-location for such an activity?
And it may be relevant to remember that President Obama’s November 4, 2016 Executive Order “Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats” required the FBI to
facilitate implementation and coordination of FBI programs to further the GHSA [Global Health Security Agenda], as well as provide technical expertise to measure and evaluate progress in countries the United States has made a commitment to assist
Think about this for a moment: what could the FBI’s “technical expertise” which “measure and evaluate progress” in other countries possibly be? There are only a few possibilities.
It is noteworthy that the U.S. federal government has written that progress in furthering preparedness is measured – or “validated” – with realistic national exercises, some which may apparently be covert exercises. (Pages 1 and 11) And since the FBI uses deception and covert operations, one may reasonably wonder whether the FBI’s “technical expertise to measure and evaluate progress” of furthering the Global Health Security Agenda may be ruses, ploys, strategic deception, or types of FBI, law enforcement, or intelligence community hoaxes.
And it seems that one may reasonably wonder if that was what the FBI and the CDC’s zoonotic division was doing in Japan, the European Union, and elsewhere. (President Obama’s Executive Order was in 2016 but was still apparently in force in 2019 – see page 5).
When one looks into the information suggesting that COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic, one continues to discover significant facts suggesting that it is indeed at least possible for COVID-19 to be some sort of falsified, covert pandemic operational exercise. And there is still more supporting information, but it will not be mentioned here.