(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland urges us to continue condemning the injustice of abortion and calling out pro-abortion politicians masquerading as faithful Catholics.
“Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are so-called ‘Catholics,'” he says. “I use that very specifically. Yeah, they’re so-called ‘Catholics.’ They’re not living the Catholic faith.”
“No, they’re not living a relationship with Jesus Christ that respects every person, including the child in the womb and the mother whose womb they’re in. And these so-called ‘Catholic’ politicians are getting a pass from the Church, from the bishops, and from the Church as the body of Christ, as the mystical body of Christ. We’ve got to to speak to that.”
His Excellency says the devaluing of human life in the womb is the “greatest injustice” facing the world today.
“It’s like we want to ignore this and let’s keep going, as if everything’s okay. The world is far from okay,” he adds.
“It doesn’t mean that we need to all be consumed by fear, but we need to be stronger in faith and recognizing, like the Immaculate Virgin Mary said to us constantly, we need to get on our knees and pray. And that’s what we need to do. I’m glad the bishops did call for prayer and fasting [against abortion]. But we’ve got to speak up against injustice as well.”
Watch this week’s episode by scrolling up to the video above by clicking here.
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