By John-Henry Westen
WASHINGTON, October 4, 2006 ( – At the fall meeting of the United Stated Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), which will take place November 13-16, the Bishops will be asked to give final approval to a document on contraception. A media advisory from the USCCB notes that the bishops will vote on approval of “a document from the Pro-Life Committee offering pastoral guidance on the Church’s teaching concerning contraception, linked with a culture of life.”
The issue of contraception has launched back onto the public scene in recent months with the attempt of pro-abortion forces to drive a wedge withinÂthe pro-life movement. The most notable move has come from pro-abortion activist Senator Hilary Clinton who spoke of reducing abortion by turning to contraception, abortifacient contraception included.
Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life told that he was “very much looking forward to the document on contraception”. He noted that the concern over contraception has been recognized by the whole pro-life movement, not only Catholics.“Many groups that I work with both Catholic and Protestant alike are discovering the importance of working on this problem which is at the heart of the culture of death,” he said.
Fr. Pavone added that the real test will be in applying the teachings on contraception both in our personal lives and by priests in parishes.“Will the priests, will the people use them, is the real question,” he told
Other documents of interest are up for approval at the bishops’ fall meeting. Two documents from their Doctrine Committee are also on the agenda for approval. One is a proposed statement on receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist worthily (which might be applied to the situation of persistently pro-abortion Catholic politicians), and the other, proposed guidelines for ministry to persons with a homosexual inclination.